Description : A great remake of a song that is dear to my heart. The bass line of this song was written way before this song came to be. There are a lot of great musicians that made this song possible. Writing with these guys over the years was some of the better times in my life.You guys in Montgomery know who you are. These songs were a team effort and you will always have my adoration and respect , as musicianship and friends. Thank you for all the long hours and talent you shared with me. Writing has always been a team effort , there is no other way to say it. Most people around then well tell you those bands stood apart because of the musicians and writers in the bands. Darwin Jay Burington and Dee Dee Burington worked extremely hard on this song.The mix Darwin mastered has brought new life to this song. I get lost through the wonderful vocal melody.
Description : This song was co-written by Steve Stevens of Billy Idol.He also played on the Michael Jackson "Dirty Diana" song and video. You will hear in the lead his Ray Gun, one of the many trade mark licks he has.
Description : this track is not mixed but you can get a idea of how hard hitting it will be. I am going to do final mix later in the week.The song is about the world machine as far as working for the man goes. the into was done in one take.
Description : I wrote this song about children's nightmares and how we all fear the night once in our life's. I was listening to the sound track of Lost Boys when I wrote this.
Description : This is a song I wrote and played back in the late 90s.It was done in my home studio.
The bass part I played and wrote carries the melody through out the song.
Description : This track is about a little girl named Jane she had been in a wheelchair since birth. The song was all put together from start to finish in about 1 hour
Tracks (20)
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