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El Paso, United States
Joined : 25th Jun 2008 - 16 years ago
AcidParadox tracks

AcidParadox has uploaded 28 tracks but they have been archived

Tracks 1 - 25 of 28
8th Aug 2011 06:10 - 13 years ago
Description : Well i had a really hard time with this one, I spent like 12 hours recording, composing and 8 hours mastering. Speaking of mastering , i tried a different method than i used too but please if you notice some anomalies on this track please pm me or put me a comment down below.

This was made in Fl Studio and the vocals were made by me too. There's a longer version of this track but if everything goes well, i will put it on my upcoming EP to be expected to finished on December.

The reason i called this monster was because the vocals slowly start to distort, kinda like if it was a man transforming into some evil being.

This could be my submission for the NGADM Round 1 , i just want to see if people likes the mastering or not.

Lyrics :

This is the end of all the places
I lost control of all my senses
Do you think you can escape me?
Do you think you that I'm now crazy?
Do you think you can escape MEH MEMEMEMEMEMEMEMEME
MONSTER!!! ( I actually made that scream myself lol)

Thanks for listening
6th Jun 2010 17:48 - 14 years ago
Description : This song was made on Propellerheads Reason 4 , one of the things that i like about this track is the main synth ,i took a lot of time and patience to make this.I think this track has two faces , On one face it sounds like a happy song but on the other side it sounds with a sad mood.

I couldn't create a story for this track , why don't you try to make one, it's pretty fun!

Thanks for listening

Ruben -Acid Paradox-
6th Jun 2010 17:29 - 14 years ago
Description : When i was making this track, i was thinking about some story my mind was creating while i was making this:

This is the story about a man that lost all of his family and friends by some tragic accident, he went into a big depression ,He has nobody left to trust, then he become a silent spectator of his cruel world he was living but then he discovers that indeed , by some strange reason he feels different , he feels that he can go back into time and fix everything .

But , can he really travel in time?? or is this some illusion created by his mind?

The Man Who Traveled In Time.......

" I have wake up once again onto this nightmare , i have lost everything i got , my home , my friends , my wife and my son.......The sun doesn't shines like it used to be , the smell of coffee has turn into a rotten odor of loneliness.I had everything i wanted , Life couldn't get any better than this , but then , why does everything goes wrong when you least expect it? I don't live on the present , i don't have a future and my past has been erased from my existence. If what i said it's true then......

Where i am? What's my purpose here? WHO I AM!? WHO THE F#@K WAS I !?

I feel death inside , i feel... that i am on another dimension......

i feel that i am traveling in time......... "
13th Feb 2010 01:14 - 15 years ago
Description : Well this is my second tracks using vocals (yeah that's me singing) i took a lot to make this one, This track is still on the "evaluation" process because i need to see if anything needs to be added.

I used Reason 4 to make this one and acid pro 6 to convert it to mp3 , I hope you like it i also recommend to check my previous track " The Classifier " .
12th Jan 2010 21:47 - 15 years ago
Description : Well here it its, the full version of the Classifier :)


I Took a lot of time to make this, this was made on reason 4 and the vocals were recorded with Acid Pro 6(yes,that's me singing) , This is the 192 kbps version(the file was too big for 256) if you want thee 256 kbps version please PM me.

I am going to put the lyrics later :)

I hope you like this Track!!
1st Jan 2010 06:50 - 15 years ago
Description : Imagine that you're preparing yourself for the biggest new year's eve party you ever went to, when suddenly you realize for some "mysterious force" that you can't get out of your room, all that you can do is hear how everybody is having a great time (this is where this song starts).

NOTE: " i know the intro is DnB " it's just to put some ambience....."

Btw can you guess what's the intro song ( hint: is one of my songs)

Well about the track this took a lot of time to make,it's more like a "just relax and hear" song, some people can found it repetive, but oh well, i hope that you like it.


Don't get too trunk

Ruben -Acid Paradox-
1st Jan 2010 06:35 - 15 years ago
Description : Well this is my first track that i upload to the "Ambient" Genre, It was made in reason 4, I put a lot on effort on this one, because im not used to do this kind of music.

I hope you like it and thanks for listening!!!

Ruben -Acid Paradox-
5th Dec 2009 20:38 - 15 years ago
Description : This is the first time i used that kind of Bass synth " the thick and loud ones" .
This is a tribute song to the 8 bit era, because that's were the best games came out.

Another thing i want to mention is that this track may sound too "simple" for some people,I wanted to simple because that's how most of the music of the "old games" sound, they just have two or three instruments and that's it , for example in super mario "NES" is just a synth and drums, even in super mario world "SNES" the first song are just 2 sounds playing.

I made this track in reason 4

Travis! thanks for the 8 bit synths!!

hope you like it and thanks for hearing :)

Ruben -Acid Paradox-
8th Nov 2009 19:39 - 15 years ago
Description : Well this is my second track for the "electro" genre, i took a lot of time and effort on this one, This was made on reason 4.

I hope you like it and thanks for listening

Ruben -Acid Paradox-
6th Nov 2009 23:43 - 15 years ago
Description : UPDATE NOVEMBER 7: I Removed the voices and fixed some stereo "thingies"

Thanks guys for your advice

"a sudden violent change in the earth's surface"

Well this is my first track on this genre, i used reason 4 for this one, i really like the combination of sounds that i used on this track , but my favorite thing are the drums.

-Ruben- Acid Paradox
7th Oct 2009 03:47 - 15 years ago
Description : This Song Was Inspired By Pryda's " Miami To Atlanta"

Well i took a lot of time making this track, this track could be a "tribute" to the song previously mentioned, i gave all my efforts to make this song, and i learned a lot of new stuff from this.

All was made in Propellerheads Reason 4.

NOTE: At 2:40 i played some stuff from "Miami To Atlanta" For Those who know that track

7th Sep 2009 23:10 - 15 years ago
Description : ******************UPDATE 16 OCTOBER 2009*********************
I have Added a longer intro to the track, also i added some Choir to the track and finally i put some bass.

Note : there's some weird distortion at 2:44 i will try to fix that later

"The upholding of what is just, especially fair treatment and due reward in accordance with honor, standards, or law."

Well I can say that this could be one of my best songs i have ever made, i took a whole month making this, and i just used reason 4 for this track.

I really hope you like it, and thanks for listening.
27th Jul 2009 22:55 - 15 years ago
Description : Well my keyboard was broke since the first days of June and i didn't got the chance to start working again, until now.

when i got my keyboard back, I wanted to try something new, something that i don't usually do , and this is how i made breakdown.

I think this track should be used like an ambient track than a "listening track" if you can understand me.

i am not quite sure if this fits 100% on techno maybe a 40 % but i can find the other name of that genre.
30th May 2009 19:53 - 15 years ago
Description : Well this track was made with reason 4, when i hear this track i always imagine like this track could fit on a "ice" ambient if you can understand me.

i hope that you like it, and thanks for hearing : )

Another thing i am having trouble with the volume, is the volume ok? or it is to low?
2nd May 2009 23:02 - 15 years ago
Description : Well this track was started a long time ago but it just need some adjustments, until today its finished,

It combines the good old 8 bit sounds with the new ones hehe

i want to thank travishuckins for its anti gravity synths refill and his mod bass patch of the same one

2nd May 2009 17:40 - 15 years ago
Description : hey guys!!

yeah I know what you're saying, Paradox City II ( How creative...)
but it has it's reasons to have that name.

If the original Paradox City Was a book or a movie, this would be the sequel if you have heard the original, you will find a lot of sound references of the first one, i always imagine a story when i hear both of the tracks, you should try it its really fun :) and if you made one post it on a review :P

So now about the song itself, i made it in reason 4 but this time i used a refill called "Reason Pianos" they're awesome but i just think that some of them sound like if they were deeply compressed but maybe its me.

Thanks for reading this and hearing too

11th Apr 2009 17:44 - 15 years ago
Description : Well This is my entry track for barry's Competition, i took about 2 weeks to make it, i just reason 4 for this one , i really like this track it's so awesome ( well for me)

I hope you like it and if you do please post a review :)

Thanks You for listening : )

25th Mar 2009 22:53 - 15 years ago
Description : Well this Track was really hard to make i took weeks to finish this one, even i could do more but i can take forever on one track, i have to move on....

Same software: Battery 3 (drums) and reason 4 (everything else)

I hope you like it
9th Mar 2009 22:54 - 15 years ago
Description : Well after a very long rest.....

It's time to come back from a black day......
16th Nov 2008 18:56 - 16 years ago
Description : What happens when you mix a good old cowboy movie train pursuit with an orchestral theme?

You get this track.....Lost in the desert

This is my first try making a orchestral track with a western twist, yeah i know, sounds weird, but trust me you will like it, i used reason 4 for this one and a lot of imagination, spend 2 hours making this one.

Awesome hope you like it
30th Aug 2008 17:46 - 16 years ago
Description : Well my First DnB Song i hope you like it, i made it with reason 4, I really love the drums for this one, They're so mad!!! : )

My Favorite Part is at 1:32, No words for that :)
3rd Aug 2008 11:31 - 16 years ago
Description : Well this song is one of those lost songs i couldn't found until today, this tracks was one of the first songs i ever made, made with reason 4,kinda has a chill effect.

I hope you like it : )
28th Jul 2008 20:57 - 16 years ago
Description : " I'M THE MANIAC PSYCHO!!!!! "

My 7th song, one of my best songs, i took about like 8 hours to make it,i used reason 4 to make this one.

The name "diary of a psycho" comes because the actual lead of the song doesn't follow a solid sequence it's always make a different sequence.
27th Jul 2008 19:10 - 16 years ago
Tags :
Description : Night Shift......Yes!! Finally i have months with this name for a song and finally i put this name to this new song. well i just used reason 4 for this. Take about 5 hours to make it. The vocal effect isn't so don't scared ( lol j/k) its just a random sound i found on internet.This is kinda dark but with some epic theme i don't know really but give your opinion/

Still putting all my effort and i hope you like it
16th Jul 2008 15:36 - 16 years ago
Tags :
Description : Well my fifth song And by far my favortie : ). I used reason 4 and a couple of drum loops, I love The bass lead because it fuses awesome with the drum rhythm. I like the lead Because it gives the "space" atmosphere.Drums Are good for me.This is my first 4 minute song : ) It took me like 4 hours to make it.

Still putting a lot of effort,and i hope you like it. : )
Tracks 1 - 25 of 28