

Randfontein, South Africa
Joined : 5th Jul 2008 - 16 years ago
SwingKing tracks

SwingKing has uploaded 25 tracks but they have been archived

Tracks 1 - 25 of 25
5th Jan 2009 17:12 - 16 years ago
Description : I'm back after one very very hot December on the equator. And I am now more experianced. Heres a nice mix for my January Mashup. The track hassent got a proper intro or ending due to additional mix purposes. Anyway its really dark. Enjoy.....
8th Dec 2008 17:31 - 16 years ago
Description : I assume there is over new 240 songs from the EVRiM acapella, so I gues I added one more track. This is very Photeck like and I didn't overpower the bass nor padwork, its a hit. Thank you EVRiM. Oh and my Red Micra is not gay, its modified and have taken many rally hits.
29th Nov 2008 08:48 - 16 years ago
Description : Just another senseless voice test for my friend "Otter", pls tell me what you think?
17th Nov 2008 17:11 - 16 years ago
Description : This one is dedicated to all industrial junkies. I took my knowledge of Industrial what I had and mixed up this realy dark drum and bass piece. Inspired by Speedy J and Viper Recordings. I don't have vocals so I recorded my own terrible voice and tuned the pitch to a low level, sounds realy redicules.
10th Nov 2008 16:56 - 16 years ago
Description : I manage to creat a good piano roll and didn't know what to do with the rest of the track. Eventually I used some grime effects but there is still something lost. If anyone has a name for the track's title, please tell me, I can't think of one, ive got too much work stress.
3rd Nov 2008 16:42 - 16 years ago
Description : My X once asked me "Do you ever get tired of this", cause she hates DnB, but then again everybody in my hometown hates DnB,Sad story, I know : ( . So I created this Title in 5 hours, consider it a beta version, enjoy. If anybody has some grime tutorial recomendations for me please help me out for my next track I want to learn grime.
19th Oct 2008 10:51 - 16 years ago
Description : Part 2 of the drumloops
19th Oct 2008 10:15 - 16 years ago
Description : This one is too al Junglist or DnB junkies. I've taken my top 13 Drumloops and made a 14 min two part serios. Feel free to download and to cut it up, mix it, smash it for all I care. Just use it and create a track that will blow my mind away.
17th Oct 2008 17:09 - 16 years ago
Description : Mastered the art of drumslicing now and used one of my 1st track's pads. I also used the same bass type as "Black Gold". The ambient and acid corresponds with one another in order to create this master peace. The track starts primitively and ends up bassless for additional mixing purposes, enjoy.
10th Oct 2008 17:26 - 16 years ago
Description : Have you ever seen the movie "The Lord Of War" starring Nicolas Cage. At the end of the movie this beuatifull African song plays. Then I noticed it would be a perfect DnB accapella and mixed it with my perfect breakbeat along with the acid,bass,synth and sound effects. I dit no pad work wat so ever, it came with the original song.
10th Oct 2008 17:12 - 16 years ago
Description : I've stolen a drum loop and created massive breaks, but the drumslicers wouldn't work. I had to gain control other wise it would distort too much and the bass conflicts. This one also has good contrast as the breaks BURST into action.
10th Oct 2008 16:57 - 16 years ago
Description : SwingKing's back back with a bran new track. Do not mistake it for DUB. This one's another KWAITO hit, dedicated to the soccer, Vrydaynight tavern dances.
29th Aug 2008 10:17 - 16 years ago
Description : This is fresh. The weird nature of stutters. The male voice dominates the 1st section and then the special drums kick in with a female voice to cool you down. this track sounds great in car bass. Enjoy......
22nd Aug 2008 09:46 - 16 years ago
Description : A different drum. Just for chilling, has a great bassline, the contrast kicks in and the bassline changes to complete the track.
22nd Aug 2008 09:04 - 16 years ago
Description : I've tried to create GOA. I've lost all my GOA music and don't know the rules about GOA Trance, but still tried. This track sounds to me too much like Dub or House or something. I finished it off with pads partly of the "I love you acapella" by DJAerith. Thanks Aerith :-)
29th Jul 2008 10:02 - 16 years ago
Description : Ive used audio from the documentary movie about the top secret wepons in Nevada, the years of nuqlear testing. This is the thirst time that I use speech. Please give some comment or hint on how I can improve, thanx.........
19th Jul 2008 09:28 - 16 years ago
Description : I used the pianoloop from one of my buddies (Demon's) tracks and used it to make this track. Witch is why its called Slicing Demon. This is my 1st track were I used drumslicing, and it came out a success, still needs to mix in with a new track at the end.
19th Jul 2008 00:24 - 16 years ago
Description : This track is very basic, could have aqtually done alot more effert. Basic drumloop with latinguitars. The pitchshifts great thow.
18th Jul 2008 10:26 - 16 years ago
Description : Horrific
18th Jul 2008 10:06 - 16 years ago
Description : This track would be like a beach party, enjoy...
13th Jul 2008 09:31 - 16 years ago
Tags :
Description : In South Africa, we call this music KWAITO, it is important to our black youth. Black workers often have battles with this music for religious purposes, money ect. I'm white and don't know alot about this music, but it's worth a effort. "Verlore in die Mielievelde" means Lost in the Cornfields witch was the first thing I could think off.......
13th Jul 2008 09:14 - 16 years ago
Description : Imagin a tropical beach filled with palm trees with coconutts. This ones got a taste of Triphop.
13th Jul 2008 03:15 - 16 years ago
Description : If your familier with fruityloops 6, you will notice the beginning o fthis track mixes with My Body witch I also remixed, I will upload My Body as soon as I can get permission cause its remixed, anyway Two Tone is good dancing DnB. It starts chilled and changes drumatically. Great Drum cuts along with FX in between is what makes this track so cool.
13th Jul 2008 01:16 - 16 years ago
Description : This is track 4 of my album, it mixes in after Scratch Fever. Its all about a wasp loops kept alive by drums and stuff enjoy...
12th Jul 2008 03:47 - 16 years ago
Description : This track may sound like hip-hop, but is actsually DnB, its 170 bpm. Great scratch melodeys with a soothing background pad.
Tracks 1 - 25 of 25