Description : The classic disco song of the 70's done from a man's perspective, in a mellow semi-accoustic chill version. Original artist, Gloria Gaynor did this song in 116 bpm, I am doing it in 94 bpm. If I'm granted permission to post the acapella on this site, I'd love to hear what you guys can do with it.
Originally there was vocals, 2 verses before the solo which starts at the 3:20 marker, a key change at 4:47 and then the 3rd verse which started at 6:05. But with lack of vocals, it might sound like it's dragging a bit in the first 3 min.
Minor2Go: Guitars
Sushibawa: Keyboards, Piano & Synth
HustleUnion: FX
SlapJohnson: Horns
YungCB: Percussion
Produced & Recorded at Pahlavi Sound Studios in Los Angeles, CA, USA 10/2018
Description : Description : Special thanks to every single member of the extended family.
Vocals provided by Conscious Entity Sound (Justin St. Charles) from Vancouver, BC Canada
Remixed by Mahan Mahan at Pahlavi Sound Studios in Los Angeles, California, USA 10/2018
Tracks (6)
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