TbagThiele tracks
TbagThiele has uploaded 2 tracks but they have been archived
26th Feb 2009 08:22 - 16 years ago
26th Feb 2009 08:22 - 16 years ago
Description : My first song ever, is being used in my friends game as a theme for the menu options and windows when dealing with a specific alien race. Kind of funny sounding, all original and made with FL Studio 8. No samples all me thank you!
26th Feb 2009 08:09 - 16 years ago
26th Feb 2009 08:09 - 16 years ago
Description : I wrote this loop/track for my friends game. This song plays when you face the first boss. This is the second song I have ever written. I wrote the track using FL Studio Pro 8 build. Every note was programmed and inserted by me, no samples from anything. Low sample rate because I want you to hear it exactly as it will be in the game.
These tracks have been uploaded by TbagThiele. If you listen to any of these tracks please leave your comments.
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