Description : Found this tune on Home Recording Forums...Collaborations Thread...Rob eCrush wrote the music and posted it . He was looking for a person to put some Lyrics and Vocals on this also, he needed a Bass line ..which was done by Chalo Trejo. So I wrote some lyrics recorded the vox and added Chalos bass to this track.
Description : Hi peeps, well here`s another one for you to critique, Frank haas has added a real guitar solo.
Vocals by Me ,
Horns- Machfive 2 French Horns Ensemble,
Strings-Cakewalk`s Studio Instrument ,
BGV`s-Voices of Passion-American singer ,
Drums-Ministry of Rock, a mixture of the Black kit and Octaplus kit ,
Electric Guitars-Ministry of Rock`s- Telecaster,
Acoustic Guitars-Musiclab`s RealGuitar,
Bass-Ministry of Rock`s-Musicman HBC,
Pad-KorePlayer-Transmissions from Space,
Description : well here`s a little diddy bozmillar from audioforums did, i wrote the lyrics and did the leadvox and BGV`s, the ladies at the beginning are from Eastwests Quantum Leap Voices of Passion, Boz plays a Jay turser SG Knockoff into guitar rig, drums were Ezdrummer, Music was mixed in Sonar8 and vocals were mixed in Sonar7P.E.
Description : i found this midi-piano file of Dream Theaters popular ballad Wait for Sleep and used the TTS-1 synth for the piano.I re-recorded my vocals as this is the second upload of this song,i still have to get rid of some hiss on the vocal track from layering , so as soon as i get Izotope`s RX that`ll be fixed, hope you enjoy.
Description : i`ve been working on this one for quite sometime now and it`s not complete yet, some more rearranging to do yet. The guitar was done by Jon C (musicontinuum) from the cakewalk forums, I think he did an amazing job shredding on this track. Some feedback would be appreciated.
Description : well i found these wonderful acoustic loops by Rei4real and loved them, so i used them, added a bunch of other looperman loops that i can`t remember names if your loops in this track thanks a bunch you`ll know who you are, i did the telecaster lead part from MOR and syrian voice from VOP on my keys the drums were Addictive drums and i only added a little slap bass at the end.
Description : well i was bored today, and i always wanted to do something with Dj4Real`s loops because they`re great so here it is, it`s a short one just about 2min , hope you all enjoy it .
Merry Christmas
Description : i found a loop called bagdad bombs by noah-selski and new i had to do something with it cause i loved it so much. So i emailed troy and he sent me the parts that made up the loop and from there it`s history LOL. Also used barack obamas 2002 a dumb war speech see where i got the name LOL. Anyway many many thanks to troy nowaselski for his loop. Also finished video for this its up at
Description : I got an offer from Ogee to redo my song Sacred in his style, all i had to do was send him the waves and write a hook for the song this is the hook i wrote " Don`t believe in the Unclean, Don`t believe in Hatred, Holding on to a perfect Dream, My world in peace is Sacred" and damn if he didn`t make one heck of an amazing song in my mind this guy (Ogee) is one amazing artist, Thanks Ogee.
Description : this one is still in the works trying to find the perfect lead and vocals for it. Any suggestions would be appreciated. Its only 2 min. long but when i get it right should end up around the 3 min. mark thanks for listening. Drums were from drumcore 2.5 and the strings at the end from cakewalks studio instruments and the rest is loops from smartloops guitar & bass.
Description : this was my first song, i`m getting some help with the tracks some slap bass gonna be added and drums fixed until the new version is done here`s this one this is completely loops from Sony`s Arythmia Drums & Drones and Pro-Sessions Adrenalinn Guitars & Pop Rock Guitar Toolbox, thanks for any advise or help in advance cheers AlanK
Description : hi i wanted to try my hand at a reggae tune and found an acappella track called followin by MRDOLL so here it is my attempt at reggae hope you like it. And this is what MRDOLL sent me in an email HI HOW ARE YOU SAY YOUR MIX SOUNDING REALY GOOD MAN I LIKE IT I LIKE THE BEAT I LIKE WHAT YOU DO WITH THE VOICE EVERYTHING YEAH MAN MR.DOLL....
Tracks (14)
These tracks have been uploaded by alkie. If you listen to any of these tracks please leave your comments.
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