lofi tracks
lofi has uploaded 2 tracks but they have been archived
20th Jul 2008 22:14 - 16 years ago
20th Jul 2008 22:14 - 16 years ago
Description : This track features rappers Nelace and G-syn. It was also made and recorded on ACID. They're pretty much talking about regrets and giving a cautionary message to the youth.
20th Jul 2008 21:03 - 16 years ago
20th Jul 2008 21:03 - 16 years ago
Description : This track was made entirely on Acid 2.0 and features poet/emcee Shaun Judah. He just kinda reflects on todays world and politics. Stay tune. The EP is coming soon.
These tracks have been uploaded by lofi. If you listen to any of these tracks please leave your comments.
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