

Pacific NW, United States
Joined : 21st Jul 2008 - 16 years ago
alividlife tracks

alividlife has uploaded 19 tracks but they have been archived

Tracks (19)
20th Apr 2021 12:50 - 3 years ago
Description : Sylenth arp 01
Addictive Drums
Guitar to Midi
I tried to make fractals
25th Mar 2021 09:26 - 4 years ago
Description : I play.
29th Feb 2012 15:13 - 13 years ago
Description : Yaqui Way of Knowledge
Thanks for listening!
18th Apr 2021 17:09 - 3 years ago
Description : drum machine and acoustic guitar to midi.
27th Feb 2012 11:46 - 13 years ago
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Description : This is in serious development.

Feel free to download and use as is. I am really trying to capture the freedom and unrelenting beauty of his track from the 1940's but I am doing it aggressively with thoughts and nods towards DnB, IDM/glitch, and ... well...

This is not about you, and I don't care if anyone listens or gives a crap.
12th Aug 2011 07:10 - 13 years ago
Description : I uploaded some stupid loops and crap.
This is at 110 BPM, as the original is at 160.

This is.. something I have been diligently exploring.. the idea of "Jungle" and the "Amen" loop.

now in Drum and bass.. you have .. the whole "Amen" loop right?
But I wanted to focus on the production/sampling techniques combined to make that style without having to use the Amen loop.


2:3 to 1 compression ratio on the KICK especially.
Bit-crunching across all badwidths. Moderately.
Tape SATURATION is KEY. I think the main point is cutting da high freqs around 8,000 hrtz to 9,400... but whatever.
5th Jun 2011 08:52 - 13 years ago
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Description : Test
Is this dubstep?
(not that I care)

This is my reinterpretation of some dubstep I have been listening too, with the cool rythm of Telephon Tel Aviv, and perhaps some influence of Erik Satie or Saint Saenz-Camille..

Initially this started out as an act of indignation.

I was given the lovely accapella from Elaine (eshar) from Alicia Bartholomew (THANK YOU GUYS I LOVE YOU!)

version 1 was all rhythm and first 30 seconds
version 2 was 1 minute, and a lot of recording
version 3 is 3 minutes
and it has some crazy elements
lotsa duping tracks... looping elements
creating atmosphere
but it's all crappy
but Alicia is the star

Humn... I will probably do a video..
Version 2?... can be found here?

Thanks for listening.
Have a download or check out my loops if your bored.
21st May 2011 10:33 - 13 years ago
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Description : Just sumting I wrote.

I need to email my friends =/

Been a long few days.
This is a new song I am working on with a young cat named Hayden Singleton... Really good clay maker.

I wrote a really simple drum line, and looped the groove (needs work)
then I started just doing my "Ableton Live Experiments" in which I maul audio thru Resynthesis, Resampling, and Etc etc etc.

Drums are mine, and some pretty cool iterations of old school hip-hop I had in mind.
Bass is lame, but I am planning on doing some pseudo-cello dubstep action... (wip)
Guitars me
Rhodes me.

Kinda .. like just chilling, enjoying spring and thinking about stuff song... OutReach, because I need to start reaching out to my friends, and I think this summer is going to be a great change.

Future updates will include more drum work, more guitar work, cello-dubstep ideas, and less SUCK!


I hope you enjoy it!

I am exhausted, been a long couple days, just got mah's internets back.

ps! Creative Commons 3, free use with attribution. (Just say my name.)
14th May 2011 14:47 - 13 years ago
Tags :
Description : I don't even know what this is.
20th Apr 2011 07:07 - 13 years ago
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Description : THIS IS OOOOOLD lol...

One of my first.. I think I used a really old piece of equipment..
4-track tape reel to reel, and then just totally ruined it trying to put it on a computer lol.... I can't even remember the name of that reel to reel...!!... This is about '02ish and on up till about '06... One of meh first tracks.

It was co-written with one of my old bandmates, but I played everything.

All the emotion comes from... finding out someone I truly loved and I wanted to be with, was pregnant with another mans kid.
19th Apr 2011 10:58 - 13 years ago
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Description : This track is still in serious remixing from the actual organic synthesis, but my best friend Elaine sent me this remix and I was like

Credits go to Eshar for remixing
Kcentric for the 'pella
I played the guitar, the bass, the rhodes, the sub sinewave, drums where open mic'd dynamically and directionally and I sampled myself, and I used some old guitar amps to get the reverb along with a great sample.

Stupidest title I could come up with,
Stupider little song I could come up with.


I wrote this over the last few months here and there, playing drums and recording stuff... I hope it sounds ok level wise.
ohhh How I would love another bassplayer to enjoy and jam to this track!

I would love a rapper, bass player, or someone besides me to get down on this track...

Still fixing some levels... I hope it doesn't sound that bad =(

I really like this remix
Peace, love, silence, violence and dinosaurs are fascinating.
10th Apr 2011 12:13 - 13 years ago
Description : samething as before... I am improving on this
10th Apr 2011 12:02 - 13 years ago
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Description : I am just trying to see if this things on?

OK, major edit!!
Ok, yea, this is my track...

Live guitar bass drums, but lotsa samples... I tried to go rave status on it, but I can't pull it off.
This is my Post-rock song called, Sagrado Corazon, which in spanish means "sacred heart", and this song is based on the idea of mortality and time and your heart beat.

Drums and Glitchinesses
this is version 3, I plan on going louder lol...
Picture Grunge and Trance, meets post-rock.....?

Would love if someone wants to play an awesome lead or vocal on it, but I also will keep changing it as I practice.

Thank you for listening, sorry for the levels, Have a nice listen.
6th Apr 2011 12:06 - 13 years ago
Description : those who do not hear the music, think the dancer is mad
29th Mar 2011 23:48 - 14 years ago
Description : Bah to losing stuff I wrote.

This song is actually based of the Eshar loop pack that I did awhile back. Here's the links if you wanna mess around with each individual part:
18th Mar 2011 04:56 - 14 years ago
Description : Umn.. Yeah... I started this on paper at work, and am at the point now where I want to consider laying down some bass guitar or guitar...

I almost just chopped it up into loops and gave it too the community, but I am thinking about trying something interesting with it.

Drums are cool... Took some work.
The awesome synth is actually a rhodes organ but heavily editted.

I tried some really crazy bass guitar moves, but I need to rethink my dance moves.

THIS IS NOT DONE IN ANYWAY, i just did this in 8 hours.
1st Mar 2011 06:25 - 14 years ago
Description : Tribute to Russian Circles and Heart.
20th Feb 2011 12:02 - 14 years ago
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Description : This needs a lot of work... I am working on it.

This is a track that I have been working on for about 6 months, maybe more,.... the ideas behind it go back for years.

It is hundreds of channels of audio and real live samples, some by KJ Sawka (the drummer from pendulum) and a lot of my own.

I am trying to mix Metal and Drum and Bass, two very very different genres, but both very compatible.

tempos are almost exact.

But anyway, I need to re-master this some more, but it's still pretty killer.

I hope you like it, and if you don't ctrl+x yourself.
14th Nov 2009 07:28 - 15 years ago
Description : Eshar and Alividlife collab

Best track I have ever remastered and mixed with.

Tracks (19)