

Killeen, TX, United States
Joined : 9th Aug 2008 - 16 years ago
Zooloo75 tracks

Zooloo75 has uploaded 36 tracks but they have been archived

Tracks 1 - 25 of 36
7th Jun 2012 22:01 - 12 years ago
Description : I've been busy lately and haven't made any new tracks - but have no fear, I am here!
I'm starting to get into producing Drum and Bass tracks. I love DnB and said to myself, "Why are you trying to make wobbling noises when you can be making music?".
Problem solved!
Write me some reviews and such and I will read them (Possibly).


P.S. I haven't been on Looperman for quite some years! -- Things sure have changed!

Catch up on the rest of my tracks at
17th Jan 2011 23:25 - 14 years ago
Tags :
Description : The end is just the beginning.

Made 2 days in FL Studio. Vocals by me.

25th Dec 2010 02:02 - 14 years ago
Tags :
Description : Merry Christmas! I haven't made a song for quite a bit of time, well here's one!
22nd Jul 2010 19:11 - 14 years ago
Description : This is a remake of an earlier song of mine "Minus One."

2 days work.


Please leave some feedback :)
11th Jul 2010 20:51 - 14 years ago
Tags :
Description : Here's a song that took me two days to produce.
I believe this is my best song yet! I worked very hard on this, and I hope you enjoy it.

I made some 3D artwork for this too, here's the link to it. /art/view/zooloo75/that-sound

Please leave votes, and reviews. I will respond!
Please listen to the whole song :)

Also I had to lower the quality to 160kbps to keep it at the limit for this site.

6th Jul 2010 03:32 - 14 years ago
Tags :
Description : I haven't uploaded much of my music here because I never really get much feedback at all :\

If I get some feedback I will start posting my music back here regularly.

A song that I did tonight.
A little bit of Dubstep, with a taste of DnB.


What do you hear the "voice" saying?
9th May 2010 19:53 - 14 years ago
Description : A song that took me 2 days to make.
Please leave reviews, I will respond!
20th Mar 2010 03:09 - 15 years ago
Description : Here's a day's worth of work for your ears to wake up to... Or possibly die to...
26th Nov 2009 18:20 - 15 years ago
Tags :
Description : Made this in two days. Satuday is my favorite day of the week :D It's the only day where I don't have to worry about school and have the day off to produce music and play games. Sunday is the day where I have to goto school the next day and can't stay up so late :(

Heh, there's something for you to know about me :D

I enjoyed producing this song, and I hope you enjoy listening to it :)
21st Nov 2009 22:38 - 15 years ago
Description : This is my first real attempt at creating a classical song, even though it sorta turns unclassical near the end...Oh well, at least it's still music. :P

Theme of song - Suspensefulness (is that even a word? lol)

...mp3 killed the quality :(
11th Nov 2009 03:53 - 15 years ago
Description : My main goal for this song is to have you feel some sort of emotion.
I hope you enjoy, leave some reviews!
9th Nov 2009 02:54 - 15 years ago
Description : A breakbeat song made in 2 hours. Hope you enjoy.
Not much to say about this song.
8th Nov 2009 03:57 - 15 years ago
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Description : I got a bit lazy on this song...Made in a bit over an hour. Hope you enjoy. Very sleepy at the moment :P
7th Nov 2009 02:49 - 15 years ago
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Description : Dedicated to the people affected by the Fort Hood shooting on November 5th in Texas.
1st Nov 2009 19:55 - 15 years ago
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Description : Hip hop? This is my 2nd attempt ever at creating a hip hop song, tell me what you think.
Check out my other songs too!
25th Oct 2009 16:39 - 15 years ago

When I was making this song, I was going for a desert-ish theme. I started working on this on October 18th, so I've been working on this for 8 days. This took alot of work to get it to sound right, and I hope you enjoy it. Also upon creating this, I was aiming to create something unique.
Sorry for the low quality, this is a long song, so I could not give it a good quality render.
- High Quality WAV

Leave some reviews.

52 Patterns
27 Instruments
25 Automation Clips

23rd Aug 2009 16:06 - 15 years ago
Tags :
Description : Here is a song I spent all yesterday night and afternoon on.
I tried to make my own personal style.
Hope you enjoy!
Made in FL8
12th Jun 2009 20:59 - 15 years ago
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Description : I made this in FL Studio and the vsti I used was Helix.
I recorded the melodies with my Axiom 49 and worked on this for 3 days.

This is my first time making a rave song and I hope to receive some reviews.
28th May 2009 03:32 - 15 years ago
Description : This is a remake of a song I made in 2007. I was playing the piano Monday night and played the melody that you hear in the beginning/ entire song, that was the melody of my old song. Playing that brang back memories, so I used the melody to make a new song out of it. I wanted to keep my oldies alive!

I hope you enjoy this song as much as I did making it.
23rd May 2009 17:12 - 15 years ago
Tags :
Description : I made a song that gives an impression of you flying through a skyline.
Please leave a review, I will reply.

Made in FL 7.
18th May 2009 01:12 - 15 years ago
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Description : Here's a trance song that I was working on this weekend. I tried to make it sound intense and energetic.
You must have a subwoofer to enjoy :D

I didn't work on this song TOO hard as it was just an attempt on making an intense song, if you like it then drop a review. I will make more of these types of songs if you leave a review saying that you like this.
10th May 2009 17:55 - 15 years ago
Tags :
Description : This is my "Ultimate Mix" version of "The Island."
I spent 3 days on this and will enjoy some feedback.
The original "The Island" was more peaceful, this version seems like the island was just nuked, lol...

Made in FL7.
Please listen to the whole song before you review.
2nd May 2009 05:55 - 15 years ago
Tags :
Description : How did you write the track ? Who worked on it with you ?
What software or hardware did you use ? What samples did you use ?
Did you play any of the parts or does the track just use samples ?

How did you write the track ? - I just played something on my piano and went with always.

Who worked on it with you ? - Just me.

What software or hardware did you use ? - FL 7

What samples did you use ? - Just samples for the percussions.

Did you play any of the parts or does the track just use samples ? - LOL, if I used samples from some other song, then this wouldn't really be my song now would it?

Leave some reviews if you enjoyed this!
21st Apr 2009 03:53 - 15 years ago
Description : Here's something I have never done before.
I have no clue what genre this would be and I would like some feedback.

Took an hour to make, not really a full song. Just had to get it over with seeing as of how it was leading to nowhere for me >.>

Made in Fl 7.
18th Apr 2009 04:36 - 15 years ago
Description : This is an unfinished song that I started a few nights ago but never really got to perfecting it nor finishing it.

So I decided to get back to it and just finish it real quick.

Nothing special...
Tracks 1 - 25 of 36