

Lelystad, Netherlands
Joined : 7th Sep 2008 - 16 years ago
GM8 tracks

GM8 has uploaded 2 tracks but they have been archived

Tracks (2)
29th Jul 2009 10:35 - 15 years ago
Description : This sond started out more as an expirement, i tried to make a basline that soundend more random than most of my work ,but still tried to keep a structure in it,. I was going for a trippy spacey vibe ,well hope you all like it !!!
Gijs de Mik
9th Jul 2009 09:09 - 15 years ago
Description : Well i was haning around in my studio whit my girlfriend and al of the sudden i just had to make a track, some times it happens you probaly know what ime saying.
So first i programd a wubby bass on de Mk added some distortion made an arpergio on the waldorf synth and i just got into the vibe anywayz just chek it out tell me waht you like or what you dont.
Tracks (2)