Description : just a beat i made in like 30 min and did the vocals in less than a hour i try to mix but my monitoring is not up to where i want it to be am trying to get a focal solo 6
Description : i did this track lastnight am not a big R&B producer but it just came to me, but anyway please comment. i know i need to improve on my piano skill but am trying
Description : i did this song in like 5 min its all frestyle.I literally mix it in like 3 min i dont even memorize the verse or hook yet. i fumble a little in the verse but i will edit it and punch in later.remember am not a raper i just mess around my accicent gets in the way since am from the island but i come up with hooks in a min after i hear any beat i guest its from doing music for so long it just comes to me with out writing.
Description : this one is a track that can make me or break me it still need a lot of work done am looking for some one to colab with me i have the rapper already i need to add more fire to get maybe some break down some send and recieves and all that good stuff
Description : my mixing is geting better and am mixing on head phones.i cant wait to get my new dynaudio bx5 and am geting some fiber glass panel for my room my mix is going to be fantastic lol.
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