miots tracks
miots has uploaded 29 tracks but they have been archived
29th Nov 2009 21:07 - 15 years ago
29th Nov 2009 21:07 - 15 years ago
Description : the second song for that same "short musical road trip movie"...3rd scene...indications were "the group arrives at a creek, they unload the van and make a fire...sit around it while eating marshmallows, play guitar, etc..." for some reason i though of a folky-country tune while keeping it pop-rock...
29th Nov 2009 21:00 - 15 years ago
29th Nov 2009 21:00 - 15 years ago
Description : a short song i was asked to do for a "short musical road trip movie" project...this being though for the first scene, and the indications being "a rock song plays as the main character stands in doubt and confused in the middle of the street under the pouring rain"...
13th Sep 2009 01:42 - 15 years ago
13th Sep 2009 01:42 - 15 years ago
Description : this song is based on the acapella "time" by Holly...i tried to respect the jazzy feel, but of course, couldn't stick to one simple style...the result is a bit strange, but not quite a hard one to absorb, i think...i added a second vocal line and some choirs towards the end, but those don't even get close to the quality of Holly's work...
9th Sep 2009 07:21 - 15 years ago
9th Sep 2009 07:21 - 15 years ago
Description : this was originally conceived to be a 30 sec. musical background for a radio spot...i wanted a dirty sound, pretty much in a Justice - like fashion, so i played a lot with distorsion and filters on synths...i liked the first 30 seconds, so i took it from there and tried to make a full song out of it...as usual, i couldn't keep it in a simple, straightforward structure, so i ended up with a more pop, "vanilla" sound...i used a couple of acapellas by holly (with modified tempo and melody). Made using FL studio, melodyne for the vocal changes, and cubase (cause i just can't work with tempo changes on melodyne!!)
9th Sep 2009 07:16 - 15 years ago
9th Sep 2009 07:16 - 15 years ago
Description : a punchy electro song...there's not really much more to it...again, using FL studio...
9th Sep 2009 07:14 - 15 years ago
9th Sep 2009 07:14 - 15 years ago
Description : just a simple electro tune i was working on to which i decided to add a couple of acapellas...actually, spoken poems, by evrim and eshar, and a third one i found in the acapella section that says "there's no time like the present, your time is now"...can't remember who uploaded it though - sorry - (thank you guys!)...all made in FL studio 8
25th Apr 2009 05:22 - 15 years ago
25th Apr 2009 05:22 - 15 years ago
Description : a song i made last night, after watching on the news that due to a weird virus spread in the city, all "infected people" should not come in contact with others...basically being quarantined...sounded like a plot from a movie to me as well, but it's true...and i'm sick...(you can actually hear it a bit on the vocals)
my apologies for the occasional clipping and bad overall sound...working with the flu - or whatever it is - isn't exactly the best to judge mixes...
6th Jan 2009 04:12 - 16 years ago
6th Jan 2009 04:12 - 16 years ago
Description : A bouncy electronic tune. This song is strongly influenced (actually, based on) a background song from a video game, Tekken 5, that goes by the same name...When i was listening to the song, i noticed there's a voice that says "I'll give you pleasure" and i believe it's the exact same vocal sample contained in FL Studio. I just re made the song using only FL Studio (and Cubase for mastering), adding some guitars and vocals...(i didn't use the "I'll give you pleasure" one, though)
28th Nov 2008 06:46 - 16 years ago
28th Nov 2008 06:46 - 16 years ago
Description : i went a bit prog on this one...can't stick to one genre, as usual (sorry 'bout that...)
anyway, i used two acapellas for this one ; "touch me" and "wishing on a star", both uploaded by Cyryus08 and featuring one Nesrin Orcen...
i currently don't have any gear with me (besides the pc) so this song uses no audio files besides those two acapellas, the rest is all midi, manually edited in the old fashioned piano roll way, which was a pain to do, cause i have no midi controller...but i just felt like i hadn't contributed much to looperman in a while...hope you enjoy...
13th Nov 2008 06:12 - 16 years ago
13th Nov 2008 06:12 - 16 years ago
Description : i was working on an "instrumental" dance song (well, i don't know if it's dance or some other electronic sub-genre...) when i came across some Acapellas uploaded by Cyryus08...i ended up using all 4 files...(one of them is called "Deliciously Sublime", hence, the name of this track) i loved the voice style and the quality...so this is what i ended up doing, hope it gets you moving...lol
5th Nov 2008 06:15 - 16 years ago
5th Nov 2008 06:15 - 16 years ago
Description : an instrumental version of The Nanny intro song, featuring only guitar, bass and drums...damn that lead guitar playing the vocal melody was hard to nail!...
4th Nov 2008 05:12 - 16 years ago
4th Nov 2008 05:12 - 16 years ago
Description : this is just a variation i came up with based on the Top Gun theme (not "take my breathe away" but the one called "Top Gun Anthem" written by Harold Faltermeyer & Steve Stevens)...i tried to keep an 80's feeling while changing some of the chords from the original progression...
4th Nov 2008 02:24 - 16 years ago
4th Nov 2008 02:24 - 16 years ago
Description : i hadn't made a heavy sounding track in a while, so i decided it was time to get down to business with it...i have also been recently listening to movies soundtracks, and the one that got my attention this week was Alan Silvestri's "Back to the Future" main theme...so this is what i came up with...(the ending is abrupt and makes no sense 'cause i was just playing around seeing how it would sound to make a rock version of the tune, and i screwed up the lead guitar at that point, so i just stopped playing everything else in that same spot...lol)
31st Oct 2008 01:54 - 16 years ago
31st Oct 2008 01:54 - 16 years ago
Description : another fantastic tune written by bchris, to which i just added some drums, guitars, and bass...when i listened to the original version of this song, i immediately associated it with some great 80's - 90's tv themes, like growing pains, full house, alf... that kind of style. i wanted to keep that "theme" feel while giving it a bit of groove...thanks again to bchris for letting me work with this amazing song of his
30th Oct 2008 22:50 - 16 years ago
30th Oct 2008 22:50 - 16 years ago
Description : i'm using EVRiM's acapella "Circles" for this one...
(there are some bad clicks and distortion on some vocal parts because i'm just lazy like that...lol...also, i just realized i it probably wasn't the best idea to do this track while having a cold, so the eq might be crappy...i can't tell, 'cause i still have the damn flu!)
thanks to EVRiM for that wonderful voice
28th Oct 2008 03:58 - 16 years ago
28th Oct 2008 03:58 - 16 years ago
Description : i listened to bchris and slap johnson's collab song called Elle, and liked it a lot...i just added some drums and guitars to make it a bit funkier...thanks to bchris for his original song and amazing piano playing, and to slap johnson for his superb sax playing
28th Oct 2008 03:50 - 16 years ago
28th Oct 2008 03:50 - 16 years ago
Description : something i came up with based on the windows xp startup little song...i guess i just had nothing better to do...
28th Oct 2008 03:44 - 16 years ago
28th Oct 2008 03:44 - 16 years ago
Description : something i made from a few simple guitar chords...it has no lyrics, just like many of my songs, so if anyone can think of a vocal melody and/or lyrics, please, be my guest...
i think this song ended up sounding like Sixpence None The Richer, for some reason...(except for the occasional odd time signatures)
28th Oct 2008 03:38 - 16 years ago
28th Oct 2008 03:38 - 16 years ago
Description : an old song i made about 3 years ago with a girl i used to love...i found it the other day after years of not listening to it, and decided to re-record it, with a few minimum changes...
27th Oct 2008 03:26 - 16 years ago
27th Oct 2008 03:26 - 16 years ago
Description : a song i made quite a while ago...but i still like it...the first thing i started to work with was the chords in the beginning, and added all the other parts of the song subsequently...i hate writing lyrics, cause i suck at it, but i still wanted a melody to be sung on top, so i just sang whatever first came to my mind, so lyrics make no sense...they're just a melodic and rhythmic cue...also, i obviously can't sing, so sorry 'bout that
27th Oct 2008 03:19 - 16 years ago
27th Oct 2008 03:19 - 16 years ago
Description : the fourth one in the "silent" series...probably the darkest and weirdest one...i played a lot with distortion and eq on the drums...to keep it a bit disturbing while still musical, i tried to play with different tonal centers, as well as odd time signatures...probably not easy to follow through to the end the first time you listen to it...
27th Oct 2008 03:14 - 16 years ago
27th Oct 2008 03:14 - 16 years ago
Description : the third one in the "silent" series...experimenting with ambient sounds, trying to get a dark and soft mood while keeping it a bit jazzy...
27th Oct 2008 03:08 - 16 years ago
27th Oct 2008 03:08 - 16 years ago
Description : the second one in the "silent" series...the one i'm the most ashamed of, but maybe it'll give you a few laughs? hehe...inspired mainly by the sound of Akira Yamaoka's Silent Hill soundtrack, with a twist of my own, a bit more melodic, perhaps...lyrics suck, 'cause i suck at writing lyrics, and i just wanted to have a main melody on top...sorry for crappy singing, too...
27th Oct 2008 03:03 - 16 years ago
27th Oct 2008 03:03 - 16 years ago
Description : the first in the "silent" series...heavily inspired by Akira Yamaoka's Silent Hill soundtrack...particularly for this one, the plain drum loop found in Silent Hill Origins
25th Oct 2008 19:01 - 16 years ago
25th Oct 2008 19:01 - 16 years ago
Description : i actually don't have a title for this one...i made it cause i got my hands on Guitar Rig 3, so i made this song to test it out...this is what i came up with. (it's not jazz, i know...but it is in the end, i think)
i've been told this song could use some vocals, but i suck at writing lyrics and singing, so if anyone would like to add some singing to this tune, please, do...
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