miots tracks
miots has uploaded 29 tracks but they have been archived
23rd Oct 2008 06:08 - 16 years ago
23rd Oct 2008 06:08 - 16 years ago
Description : i listened to eshar's "i wish i could sit here forever" poem, and liked it a lot, especially the monotonous, yet rhythmic and paused phrasing. i just added some effects to add a darker twist to it, kind of a silent hill feel, and a simple piano.
22nd Oct 2008 05:30 - 16 years ago
22nd Oct 2008 05:30 - 16 years ago
Description : yet another track i made using a couple of holly's acapellas. a bit weird though, cause it doesn't really have a structure, and swaps between different genres and moods, with the same melodic vocal lines
19th Oct 2008 06:00 - 16 years ago
19th Oct 2008 06:00 - 16 years ago
Description : once again, i was amazed with holly's acapella sample, the one called "another short one" or something like that...and i had to put some music to it...i just had to...it was also a fun challenge to take, since her acapella already has a second harmony line, which sets the tune to E and then to D, i think...so i tried to make things a bit interesting, and started the song in F#m and saw where that would take me...it gives the song a bit of tension, sort of like suspense, i believe...i "cheated" a bit in the last two repetitions since i actually changed the pitch of the final syllable s to make them fit into Bm and E instead of D... anyway, thanks again to holly for that wonderful voice!
(i made this song on cubase sx 3)
19th Oct 2008 05:51 - 16 years ago
19th Oct 2008 05:51 - 16 years ago
Description : i came up with a simple arpeggio on a plucky sample, and took it from there...i wanted to add some vocals, so i looked for some acapellas in looperman to work with, and then i found holly...i only used her voice at the ending section, but it was worth it; she has an amazing voice! i actually had to change the original pitch and melody from her original recording, and i also added some simple vocal harmonies...special thanks go to holly...check our her acapellas!
(i made this track entirely on fl studio 8)
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