

Portland, United States
Joined : 5th Dec 2008 - 16 years ago
jonzie008 tracks

jonzie008 has uploaded 21 tracks but they have been archived

Tracks (21)
19th Sep 2014 11:18 - 10 years ago
Description : This is my first real attempt at Drum n Bass. This track is constructed from various random samples I had laying around. I'm pleased with it.
19th Oct 2013 07:57 - 11 years ago
Description : Random samples arranged using Reaper. Some harsh distortions mixed with various beats and melodies.
9th Jun 2012 14:31 - 12 years ago
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Description : This track was a short recording experiment using the RecForge Lite app on my LG Optimus S phone. Just wanted to see what the base track would sound like. It wasn't a bad recording for a cell phone. I messed around with it in Reaper adding fx filters and volume. The vocals needed a lot of de-essing. It is still kind of rough sounding but was nothing serius. Just for fun.
5th May 2012 10:54 - 12 years ago
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Description : This track started with a custom beat pattern which included the phrase, "Turn Table", and a glitchy fx sound. I then built the rest of the tracks around it. I used iZotope iDrum and Reaper.
22nd Jan 2012 10:16 - 13 years ago
Description : This track is as the title says; Fun, Mellow, & Chill. It starts out a bit discordant and harsh then flows smoothely into an upbeat chillout type song. The arpaggio samples in beginning add a lighthearted fun feeling. The middle section incorporates some chopped vocals to add a somewhat human quality to the arrangement. I arranged random samples using Reaper on my Toshiba laptop. I am somewhat clumsy at selecting appropriate genres for my songs but I am calling it Chill Out. It makes me chill out anyway.
1st Mar 2009 00:01 - 16 years ago
Description : It is a very simplistic song in structure. It is structured around a soft pad which is repeated 5 times. Each repitition of the pad brings a new set of bleeps and bloops and minor downplayed rythem patterns. The whole song is very low key and somewhat new agey. Samples from FM Magazine were arraged using Acid Xpress 7.0.
3rd Mar 2009 00:05 - 16 years ago
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Description : This track was the original version of Hinder. For whatever reason I was not satisfied with it and it eventually evolved. However, upon having listened to this track again, I felt it worthy of being placed along side Hinder as a sort of prequel. It has the same atmospheric tones and down played rythem styles. I feel it has a sort of cinematic quality. Samples from FM magazine were arranged on Acid Xpress 7.0.
27th Feb 2010 10:38 - 15 years ago
Description : This song is a 100% sample arrangement using Reaper 3 software. I began with the somewhat discordant pad that runs throughout the entire song and built around it. This, I felt had a good cinematic vibe. It includes samples of a soft acoustic guitar to create a mellow beginning then it becomes fun and light hearted during the chorus sections when a quirky bass loop and drum emerges. As much of my work, it remains difficult to classify but is the result of my internal thought processes and limited samples. I don't recall where the samples originated from.
27th Feb 2010 11:18 - 15 years ago
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Description : This track is a 100% sample arrangement using Acid Express software. It is a mixture of several electronic music styles. Many are recognizable in this hodge-podge. It is not an overly high-impact song, but it rarely lulls from the harsh chaos that remains constant throughout the track. It could serve well as accompaniment to an action sequence in a film.
10th Apr 2010 13:49 - 14 years ago
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Description : This song was created with an image of chilling on the beach at sunset in mind. It is built around one solid track that plays all the way through to the end. The song is divided into different movements with the use of varying beats, FX, and synth loops to keep it interesting. I used random samples that I downloaded free. They were arranged using Reaper v. 3.31 on my Toshiba laptop.
23rd Oct 2010 12:24 - 14 years ago
Description : This track is built around one solid base line that plays continuously throughout the song. Did my best with limited samples however the constant repetition of the same bass note all the way through may tend to lead to listiner fatigue or just make you drowsy. This track was arranged using Reaper. Used various random samples. Like many of my projects, I set out just experimenting with sound combinations without any real goal as far as musical style. I don't know exactly what genre this track would represent. Give it a listen. Hope you enjoy.
23rd Oct 2010 12:50 - 14 years ago
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Description : This track is hard for me to classify as far as a genre. It is a random sample experiment arranged using Reaper. I used some warmer organic sounds during the opening and verse portions of this song and alot of distorion in the chorus portions. I'm not sure what it proves but I thought it made a nice listening combination.
27th Nov 2010 12:52 - 14 years ago
Description : "Tranced" is a poem I wrote on a napkin in a sports bar when I was feeling lonesome and invisible even with people all around me. I sent the poem in to a poetry contest and it was chosen to be published in a collection of poems from other contestants. As a bonus, they had a man named John Campbell make a CD recording of the published poems. This track mysteriously assembled itself. Using Reaper, I arranged random samples, which I downloaded form Looperman, as accompaniment for the audio recording by John Campbell. I borrowed samples from the following Looperman members: Beasty, Dharo, DJ4Real, and Planetjazzbass. I did the best I could with EQ and FX. It sounds really good on my Sony Monitor Headphones. I couldn't quite get it to sound good on my multimedia speakers or my Earplugs. None the less, I am happy with the way it turned out.
8th Apr 2011 17:16 - 13 years ago
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Description : This is my first attempt at a Dirty South style song. As I'm not familiar with Dirty South, I'm not sure what it should sound like. This is my interpretation of the material provided. I used Dirty South samples downloaded form Prime Loops along with various random effects samples. Samples were arranged using Reaper on my laptop.
15th May 2011 13:41 - 13 years ago
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Description : This track started out as another song all together. I wasn't quite satisfied with the way it sounded and began adding more sounds and taking some away. It finally evolved into this. I am labeling it as Ambient, but I'm not sure. I used random samples downloaded from prime loops. They were arranged useing Reaper.
8th Apr 2011 23:04 - 13 years ago
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Description : This track is rough demo of just me and a guitar recorded on a TASCAM DR-03 Linear PCM Recorder. Not the greatest quality, but not bad for a hand held recorder. I increased the volume and tried to EQ it using Reaper.
1st Mar 2009 02:56 - 16 years ago
Description : This poem was inspired by a friend of mine who described lying under a tree and seeing the sky through the swaying branches. She was able to imagine being under water and looking up at the surface. She was in South America at the time. I used this mental image to feel close to her. It is me, a mic, and my brother's keyboard (recorded analog), and some nature FX. Recorded using digi002 rack and protools.
1st Mar 2009 01:31 - 16 years ago
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Description : This song is about noticing somebody special and slowly starting to break down the defences put up to protect from the pain of past loves. This is me, a mic, a guitar, and my brothers keyboard. It was recorded using digi002 rack on protools.
1st Mar 2009 01:11 - 16 years ago
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Description : One day while walking through the streets of Porland, I began to feel lonely and insignificant. I pictured a God's eye view of the earth and there I was, a lonely speck. This is just me, a mic, and a guitar. It was recorded on my laptop with a digi002 rack and protools software (Iknow I didn't do the equipment justice).
6th Dec 2008 15:57 - 16 years ago
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Description : My intent with this track was to break free from my typical ambient style songs and go for something a little more upbeat. I'm not sure what style this track would be considered. I believe I used samples from FM Magazine. They were arranged on Acid 4.0 - 2007.
5th Dec 2008 11:42 - 16 years ago
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Description : This track is one of a series based on poems that I have written. It was an attempt to convey raw emotion. The track starts out in a hopeful dream like state and progresses to an energetic realization of that dream. It once again mellows to depict a continued longing and unfulfillment then culminates with one final burst of energy fading once again into the hopeful dream. This track was arranged on Acid 4.0 using only samples. 2006
Tracks (21)