Description : This is a short whistle song accompanied by mooing and some random human sounds. It was made by my friend Jenny Cross (my special little friend).
Hope you all enjoy this and all comments welcome :)
Description : This is my latest track I've been working on. Produced in FL studio. I've kept it uplifting and euphoric which is the style I prefer :). All comments welcome. Thanks, Charlie.
Description : Made over a couple of evenings with lots of beer and a mic. Its about a guy who bumps into a girl in Tesco which develops into a very awkward situation. Probably not for the light hearted and quite rude!
Enjoy! Happy and angry comments welcome.
Description : **COMPLETED**
Here's a little remix im working on of an old classic. Found a studio pack with the vocals in so I decided to give it a go. Its nearly finished, give me a couple of weeks and I will upload the full version. Thanks
Description : This is something new I am working on at the moment. Find it very hard to find time for music production any more, really want to get back into it again. Enjoy!
Description : Something i'm working on, made it a few days ago with a couple of cheesey vocals from vengeance. Its only a couple of minutes long but its only a demo. See what you think?
Description : Yes, yet another remix of the famous Adagio. I just wanted to have some fun with it, ive always wanted to do a remix of this track so spent a couple of hours on it today from scratch and this is what I came up with. Very short and not finished (If i can be bothered to finish it).
Description : Spent quite a bit of time finishing this one, I have been trying out some new mastering techniques. I changed the main melody about 2 weeks ago because it didnt fit with the rest of the track but it sounds just right now. The end has been trimmed off so I could upload it. Enjoy.
Description : This was an attempt to remix AidansTrance "Timeless". As I progressed with making it, it started to sound less and less like his original track. But when I finished it, I decided to keep it the way it was. I only sent AidansTrance an unfinished sample of this before a while ago, I have changed a couple of things since then but not too much.
Description : This is the 2010 remake of my track "Open Your Eyes".
I was meaning to remake this track for ages but never got round to it until now. Had to shorten it to fit it under 8mb. Was produced using Nexus, Vanguard, Access Virus, FL9 & Adobe Audition.
Description : This is one of my early days hardwork. I remember spending ages on this about 2-3 years ago and thinking it was amazing back then.
Thought I would put it up for other loopers to listen to. Its a bit cheesey and not my best work but its worth a play!
Description : Wrote this back in May. It was a project that never really got finished
due to the amount of other work I had on at the time. So it has been sitting on my HD gathering dust. Its very uplifing and very trancey.
Made in FL using Nexus & Vanguard. The intro and outro had to be cut for me to fit it on.
Description : This was made for my girlfriends coursework in Radio and Media.
its quite short, about a year old. Started off as trance but ended up as breaks. Never really finished it, but played it today and decided to upload it for other people to hear. Maybe ill make a trance remix of it? Not sure...
Description : Been working on this track for about two weeks now (on and off).
Tried to give it an natural feel to it using different instruments than usual, the lyrics where from another looperman user but I could only really use the first few words from the sample as the rest didn't fit in. The track is in my usual style - uplifting and euphoric with a nice build up. Im going to try a different style of trance for my next track and see what I end up with. Enjoy!
Description : This started off as just the strings at first. The hardest part was finding the right instruments for the leader that went with the rest of the sounds. I don't like to use too harsh saw's or synths as a leader. Ive stuck to the anthem style of track - very uplifting I think.
Not sure if I should have a second breakdown though? See what you think.
Description : I wrote this track using FL Studio & used an acapella from another
looperman user (thankyou). This track is quite loud and energetic.
I would love to hear it in a club to see the reaction. It's quite trancey
and fast (with in reason). Took about 2 weeks on and off to complete and then one sunday morning to master and tweek.
Description : Didn't really have an idea of where this track was going when
I started it, but it turned out ok in the end. Took around 4-5 week nights to complete then mastered it and gave it some final tweeks
at the weekend.
Tracks (19)
These tracks have been uploaded by Charlie_Walker. If you listen to any of these tracks please leave your comments.
Please note that the creator of a track retains full copyright in that track and you are only entitled to listen and in some instances download. For further details on how you can use any tracks see the terms and conditions and the tracks section of the help area.