Description : Really uplifting trance, I used the MicroKorg, Native Instruments Massive and my self-created VST "The Mooble" through Pro Tools LE 8 to make it. Robb wrote the vocals for it (which I sang!). The track was produced one part in Reason and the rest through Pro Tools
Description : Laid back chill with a beautiful piano sample (thanks devodale), I have posted this because devodale was so complimentary about my use of his samples and the sample I used is the best I found here.
Description : My latest track, not released yet. Let me know what you think! I know I have been absent for a long time - I'm up to my neck in it! Still love Looperman though.
Tracks (19)
These tracks have been uploaded by mhyst. If you listen to any of these tracks please leave your comments.
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