TommyK tracks
TommyK has uploaded 3 tracks but they have been archived
3rd Apr 2009 21:10 - 15 years ago
3rd Apr 2009 21:10 - 15 years ago
Description : Close your eyes girl, imagine me by your side.
I'll hold you tight, even though I'm not really there.
And when you hear my voice saying I love you.
Just remember girl that what I say is always true.
Your soul is like a window pane I see right though it.
Your touch is like a gentle breeze that blows onto me.
I want to see you in my mind girl forever
Never let you go, no no no, not ever.
28th Feb 2009 01:20 - 16 years ago
28th Feb 2009 01:20 - 16 years ago
Description : This is a small track I put together in a few minutes using Magix 14
It's sorta where Hip-Hop bumps into trance.
Hope ya'll enjoy it and I look forward to making more.
8th Feb 2009 23:03 - 16 years ago
8th Feb 2009 23:03 - 16 years ago
Description : Beat mix for Discotecka
These tracks have been uploaded by TommyK. If you listen to any of these tracks please leave your comments.
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