

Living with Lucifer rough
NorthWest, United States
Joined : 18th Feb 2009 - 16 years ago
COStly tracks

COStly has uploaded 15 tracks but they have been archived

Tracks (15)
22nd Jun 2010 08:08 - 14 years ago
Description : Nepaul, Costly, Chase Manhattan, Pwn Lato, Shatner, GotCheeves............six way collab.........
29th May 2010 05:36 - 14 years ago
Description : Wounded Buffalo track I have been sitting on for a minute.......just executed a rough edit on the joint, will get the fully mixed down version up asap, thought i would share some more of my life with ya'll...........This is an allegorical tale of a segment of my childhood; hope yall feel it. "Face down in the water/ Bobbing for escapism/ Encapsulated in Hatred/ Tears set Fire. Innocents Expired/ Now im using Pain as a Painkiller.
any thoughts and criticisms greatly appreciated......
13th Nov 2009 06:54 - 15 years ago
Description : This track was inspired by the idea that we as humans dont have hand to hand contact anymore...we are all stuck in perpetual state of this cyber-love. we talk through facebook more than we speak to one another! I tweaked the idea to a story about a girl...and the effects of her tragic experiences through the the internet was the only one thing that she could count on..... machines are always there...f-fair wheather people.......Beat is by Wounded Buffalo, he remixed the track, peep it on his page, i will post the remix once i get me hands on the instrumental....

any comments greatly appreciated....1
18th Oct 2009 10:13 - 15 years ago
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Description : This is the audio rough draft to a viral video im in the process of recording.
Concept was inspired by Iron Solomons 44,fours who doubled Jay-z's 22,twos.
So i decided to double Iron's ; this is 88, Eights........not intended to be a song, just thought i would share my rantings with my Looperheads!!
stay up any thoughts or comments greatly appreciated!!!
P.S. i just got that ish off my chest, hadnt listened fully until just now, ( i know how to say "Blatantly" ) hahaha
24th Aug 2009 20:00 - 15 years ago
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Description : NEW VERSION, Missing something............any opinion praised
let me know what you like,vice versa

ps. NOT SURE, why the vox pans, ill update asap

get at me for collabs!!!
14th Jul 2009 21:07 - 15 years ago
Description : i wrote a snippet a while back, did not have the rights to the beat, met this produ
cer who makes tracks for a number of reputable artists. beat is composed by Elliot B!!

let me know what you think..........this is just insight into my life\perspective.

dont listen, feel this one!!!
20th Jun 2009 08:29 - 15 years ago
Description : When i was ten, my mother was diagnosed with cancer, they gave her six months to live, i remember thinking that someone was goin to take her away from me......she survived but the image in my mind remained.......i wrote this song about a woman, because i love and hate women all at the same time\ just as death is both horrible and beautiful.....if that makes any sense

when i was 17 years old my best friend for over 7 years died of an overdose.....
then just last year i had another close friend of mine commit suicide....

Blue stocks made this track, show some love. i just wrote my thoughts about the evil\gorgeous woman that we will all meet, hopefully later than sooner. Also how i have learned that ever present cliche that life is too short............death is unavoidable.

let me know what yall think
9th May 2009 09:29 - 15 years ago
Description : this is a remix of my song anticipation.........trojanmic made a sick beat and applied it to my acapella i had posted.........liked it so much that i rerecorded it and this is what we came up with........he is mastering it at this very moment.............if you aare feelin the beat, go to his page and show him some love!!!

any commentary would be dope.....will get back at you

Joshua COStly
1st May 2009 09:44 - 15 years ago
Description : Re-recorded this track last week, just roughly edited..........
"If you aint got no Reason to Try, only Reasons to DIE then get your fist up and REACH for the SKY"
10th Apr 2009 08:14 - 15 years ago
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Description : I took an acapella i had and rerecorded it, then appied it to a cage song i cut up........this is what came usual due to poor beat making skills\wuld appreciate a producer to make a beat for this isf they are so inspired to do so.......
Hope you enjoy pls review let me know what you like and hate

1st Apr 2009 08:43 - 15 years ago
Description : Recieved this beat from the almighty musical mastermind N18th............really like the verses on this track...........let me know what you think any criticism or applause greatly noted will respond to all comments!!! KNOW that i need def help on mastering mixing skills and specific comentary would b cool jsut tried to fix some of the major errors check it out

24th Mar 2009 05:48 - 15 years ago
Description : Song snippet i recently wrote havent made it down to the studio in a minute but wanted to share this with yall,........beat is a 9th wander throw back, if a dope producer would like to supply me with the right beat i will def collab and place this track on my up coming album.......give it a listn feed back appreciated.......
24th Mar 2009 05:05 - 15 years ago
Description : A track from the archives; made this prior to the Obama administration, hence the bush refrence in the first sixteen, song is preformed over an alchemist track, but added electric guitar thanks to my boy Chris from the idol threats...........give it a listen let me know what yuo think

18th Mar 2009 06:47 - 16 years ago
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Description : created this not to long ago...sometimes simplicity has its advantages\used more movie quotes....have not recorded vocals to this track.......what do you think.......hyped organ with constant simple drum track,

18th Mar 2009 06:36 - 16 years ago
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Description : made this instrumental with a couple of famous movie quotes, thought they fit together nicely, beat production not my strength but thought ii would show variety; reviews madd appreciated...........will hit you back
Tracks (15)