Description : Wrote this track in early 2008 and apart from the drum loop
everything else was played by me using a couple of electro acoustic guitars and a Roland Juno G workstation.
Recorded over a weekend using Sonar LE and mastered on Magix Music Studio. Endless cups of coffee and cigarettes helped the creative process.
Description : Found a photograph of a past girlfriend from years gone by and was reflecting on some wonderful memories, hence this song was the end result of those thoughts.
Again I play all the instruments used and I do the vocals in several layers to add depth.
Description : Imagine all those planets throughout the Galaxy all sending 'Is there anyone out there?' signals and somewhere in deep space the signals converge, it might sound like this. All done using Roland Juno G
Description : I wanted to create a late night early hours city atmosphere, did I suceed? not sure see what you think.
Again used Roland Juno and played guitars myself.
Description : Well, what can I say, it was Spring and it snowed, a lot, nice to be warm and cosy indoors looking out at the falling snow, a Jack Daniels in one hand and a cigarette in the other. Again Roland Juno plus my various guitars.
Description : Ever been alone, maybe between relationships?
This was my attempt to capture some of the loneliness without getting morose about it. Roland Juno, guitar and yet another attempt at vocals.
Description : Many years ago I loved and I lost, this is to her wherever she may be, I wish her only good things.
Yep you guessed Juno G and guitars, vocals all by me, I really must get a life.......
Description : Those dark times when love ends and you feel crap just about sums it up this time. Using Roland Juno throughout
and an attempt at reproducing bagpipes, hell of a job getting the phrasing right using keyboard, not sure if it worked, though hopefully somebody will tell me.
Description : I figured I had these guitars collecting dust, thought I'd put them to to use, so there you go. Roland Juno plus acoustic and electric where's my cigarettes?
Description : Just when your thinking ,Mmmm just a boring intro ,it bursts into life, and yes yet again, the Roland Juno and those pesky guitars just begging to be played.
Description : She walks out of your life, you still love her and you want her to know the door is still open to her.
A short one this but written just as she left, vocals on this one, and now I shall leave you in peace.
Description : I'm an old fashioned fella but I'll try most things, heres an attempt at a dance track, and yes I don't know how but a guitar rift found its way in the middle, darn guitars have a life of their own.
Description : Tried out some free vst instruments I found on the web, mainly from DSK, came up with this track not really my usual ambient stuff but well, you've got to try other things.
Description : Collected some choir loops along the way, figured it was time to put them to use, I like to mix classical instruments and themes with modern synths, It might be nice to see some of the big orchestra,s around the world using synths along with their traditional sections, just for the hell of it, after all its the music that matters not the personalities.
Description : Late fifties and early sixties were my childhood days, though I'm still wating to grow up! I just love these big boy toys, now where's the train set......a few loops and vst instruments through the Roland Juno G and there you go.
Description : Started tapping a pencil against my coffee cup, got carried away, by those men in the white coats.
Tracks (22)
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