

Dont be a DRATER !!!
Notfarg, United States
Joined : 15th Mar 2009 - 15 years ago
JDOT2006 tracks

JDOT2006 has uploaded 43 tracks but they have been archived

Tracks 26 - 43 of 43
20th Jun 2009 22:53 - 15 years ago
Description : Its been a while since I've uploaded something, been kinda busy lately making music, and I just so happened to finish this nice one today. Its a chilled out hip hop track with all sorts of bells and whistles ( not literaly ) - it has strings, chimes and fresh drums ... Also, the bass work was all done by yours truly, a second track for me doing that so be honest. Let me know what ya'll think.

J DOT ~ 2006
21st Jun 2009 19:31 - 15 years ago
Description : I first want to say that this track is dedicated to a dear friend of mine named Paul who was maliciously taken from this world at a the very young age of 21 by an inconsiderate drunk driver that is now walking free on 10 years probation ... You know, the judicial system sucks balls sometimes - when it should be there to help, they fall short in sooo many ways. I was basically looking at some old emails I had gotten from him and it made me uncomfortably sad ( Im literally holding the tears back while I type this description ). The a$$hole who did this will get his in the end, what goes around comes around. So yeah, this is a track to show how I am currently feeling at the moment. Its a slow chilled out RnB like hip hop track with angel orchestral ambiance, some weeping strings, proper drum work and the bass line was all done by myself, its now my 3rd track doing this so I hope you enjoy. Let me know what ya'll think.

R.I.P - Paul M. Rudeen "10.15.06" ~ "He was a totally outgoing, big foot slam dunk rain maker with a proactive outreach."

I love ya bro and I will see you soon.

J DOT ~ 2006
4th Jul 2009 01:12 - 15 years ago
Description : Im baaaack so I figured I'd tie up some loose ends and finish some beats I've been workin on and this is one of them. Also, its available for download so cats can spit over it. Just let me know what you've done. I originally made this beat around Ghostfaces' Tooken Back vocals but the beat is soo nasty I just had to upload it ( without Ghostface, obviously ). Its a nice flowing chilled out hip hop track with some reversed ambiant vocal samples and some other goodies. Let me know what ya'll think.

J DOT ~ 2006
9th Jul 2009 01:20 - 15 years ago
Description : Alright now, here we go. Since I made my first EVER industrial track for the All Genre Comp called 'Simply Insane' a month ago I just had to go and take another stab at it but this time, I spent waaaaaay too much time on it and busted my a$$ to make is sound right so I hope it was worth it, I sure think so. I used some nice industrial drum effects, the drum pattern loop I have posted on here from my boy Butterz ( check that out ), a few cloned guitar riffs and bass riffs from this site as well, a tri noise synth sequence and a few other surprises all done in FL. The changes I made, the variations and sound combinations are sick so make sure you listen to the whole thing as it is 5:01, it'll be worth it. Trust me. Let me know what ya'll think about my 2nd attempt at this genre. Oh yeah, and its available for download, Cool huh ?

J DOT ~ 2006
23rd Jul 2009 00:03 - 15 years ago
Description : I know, I know ... its been a while since I've uploaded something but I just got my 2 PC's fixed recently, I got all my goodies back such as FL, Reason and Acid Pro ( obviously ) and have been working on this little diddy since then plus a few others. Marijuana recently became decriminalized in Massachusetts which is kick ass and I've been watching this program on TV called Marijuana Inc., check it out if you havent already .... Anyway, I found a cleared sample of a political mastermind ( lol ) from the 80's talking about politics, drugs and the military so I figured I'd start there. Its a simple nice flowing hip hop beat with some flute soundfont samples thrown in to add melody - used Soundgoodizer for the beat and Fruity Delay for the vocal sample. Let me know what ya'll think. In case your wondering, the reason I set this as Adult Content is because it has references about weed, thats all. Some may like it, some may not. Enjoy. Also, if you want this track with out the vocal sample, let me know and its yours. Enjoy

J DOT ~ 2006
23rd Jul 2009 22:28 - 15 years ago
Description : Awwwww yeeaaahhhhh, here it is. Hot of the presses. Been working with Nepaul for many months on this now and we finally finished this dope a$$ed track at the wee hours of the morning today. The hard work, dedication and passion that both Nepaul and I put into this shows throughout this entire track, the 3 verses, the chorus, the hook , the extension of the beat to 116 bars ... I mean everything. Its all on point and it goes out to all those haters that haven't got a clue about music and what rhyme skill is - you know who you are ... hopefully we did this game some justice with this masterpiece. We came, we saw and we conquered cause its just Gotta Be Dope, thats just the way it is. Let me know what ya'll think. If you haven't checked out Nepaul yet, your missing out sumthin fierce, I suggest paying him a visit real soon.

J DOT ~ 2006 Unite the Music
30th Jul 2009 00:02 - 15 years ago
Description : Diversity is the key so I figured I'd try my hand in making a crunk track, my first ever crunk track that is. Not my favorite style / genre of music but I never thought it would of come out like this. Its actually more like hip hop with a crunk edge but you get the idea. I first sent this track to looperman member and friend, Bricklayah, and asked his opinion on it ... he gave me some sound advice which I am forever greatful, I made some changes and added a few things here and there - overall it came out pretty slick in my book. Theres some nicely placed scratches, voice soundfonts, tight crashes, some flute samples to add the melody and some of my usual goodies. Let me know what ya'll think of my first attempt at Crunk. Its available for DL for those that would like to rhyme over so be my guest and let me know what you come up with. ( 4:17 )

J DOT ~ 2006
29th Aug 2009 19:36 - 15 years ago
Description : Alright, I know its been a while, a real long while since I've uploaded something ... I've been "pre-occupied" with other stuff as of lately but I've still been making music, you can bet on that. This track I have worked on for awhile and it is a first for me as its the D&B genre with industrial electronic and a smidge of hip hop - figured Id take a stab at it after chattin with NeilVisher and I feel I did a pretty bang up job. Used some industrial fonts, a dday loop from NeilVisher plus a few other creep envy samples from him ( good lookin out man ), a Red Bass font, synthed piano samples, some nice industrial esque drums, cymbals and few other JDOT goodies like tons a VSTi's ( ha ha ). So yeah, enjoy and let me know what ya'll think.

J DOT ~ 2006
29th Aug 2009 19:55 - 15 years ago
Description : This track right here was so much fun, its like my theme song - everything about it I enjoyed to the fullest ... Its a funny, dark and trippy like hip hop beat with a chilled out feel. I used some looney tunes samples, tweaked them a little, added effects and of course drums some bass, synths and other extras. Definitely a weird one for me but I feel it came out mad nice regardless. Anyway, let me know what ya'll think.

J DOT ~ 2006
11th May 2010 20:41 - 14 years ago
Description : This track right here is a collaboration I did with Nepaul & Mike Connor back in October 2009 I just never got around to uploading it so here it is. Nepaul has this posted on his page and I thank all yall for the generous reviews. We worked f-ing hard on this and the message that Nepaul speaks is sooo true so pay attention and let the music flow. Let me know what ya'll think.

J DOT ~ 2006.
16th Sep 2009 23:10 - 15 years ago
Description : 1 of 8 scratch like tracks on my EP 'Scratch Chronicles.

Okay, this here is a first for me ( kinda ) ... Its a fast club like dance track with a lot of hip hop influence mostly done in FL 8 XXL. With this one though, I spent over 3 months on it. I just wanted it to be right ya know ? I put the final touches on this using FL 9 XXL yesterday and today ... I used some fat drum, snare and crash fonts, some crisp Xzylaphone fonts ( sorry, I cant spell ) a few 8 Bit fonts from a kit I have, some synth stabs, Fruity Scratcher for the scratches ( chopped ) and a few other
JDOT goodies. Let me know what ya'll think.

J DOT ~ 2006
11th May 2010 20:50 - 14 years ago
Description : This track is posted on my RN profile and there is where it was going to stay but I figured Id upload here anyway. Euphoric hip hop with a slight chilled out feel. I had alot of things happen over the past few months and this track is something that sort of explains my current feelings. Let me know what ya'll think. J DOT ~ 2006
6th Apr 2010 22:30 - 14 years ago
Description : Produced this hip hop track a few months back, real steady and on point hip hop with a very"unique" sound - kinda different for me but I love it. Its upbeat, somewhat trippy & very catchy. Added some scratches to the mix, some distorted distant voice sound fonts and a few other goodies. Let me know what ya'll think. Its time for a comeback. JDOT~2006
11th May 2010 20:56 - 14 years ago
Description : I put this under chill out even though it has my unique hip hop and electronic influences. This track took awhile as my emotions have been coming out again and the name of the track says it all. Let me know what ya ll think.

J DOT ~ 2006
6th Apr 2010 22:42 - 14 years ago
Description : Originally I made this track to be used with Nepauls acapella "Lights On" but after some deep consideration I decided against it and produced a different track for that. This here is a strange one for me, slow paced but it hits at all the right moments. Its a short one for me but it doesn't lack in creativity. Let me know what ya'll think. JDOT~2006
7th Apr 2010 21:53 - 14 years ago
Description : This track right here is something I put together before the break of 2010 I just never got around to uploading it ( Nepaul actually posted it on his page though ). I pretty much took Nepauls acapella "Lights On" and worked this slamming beat around that. It hits hard and the lyrical style flows perfectly with every high and low, the piano, the cymbals and the drum hits almost seem effortless and perfect . Let me know what ya'll think. J DOT~2006
8th Apr 2010 00:22 - 14 years ago
Description : Okay, with this one I had received requests to make some 8 bit samples about 8 months ago so I did just that ... Well, I took that idea to a different level and instead of just making some samples I turned it into a funky upbeat hip hop instrumental with some fonts from an 8 bit kit I have, some tight drum rolls, snares and I added some eerie ambiance to give it that "mystical" feeling and the bass line was done by myself using my Fender Jazz. Let me know what ya'll think. J DOT~2006
8th Apr 2010 00:33 - 14 years ago
Description : This track right here was an "off the wall" production for me, extremelly different than what people are used to hearing but thats what I like ... the diversity and strive to try new things. I tweaked a music sample from a movie to the point there is no way to decipher where its from, sliced it up to get that unusual flow, added some nice drum kit fonts to it and then BOOM - there you have it. Let me know what ya'll think. J DOT~2006
Tracks 26 - 43 of 43