

blue man group, what's up
kennesaw, United States
Joined : 23rd Mar 2009 - 15 years ago
liiiliilliilil tracks

liiiliilliilil has uploaded 2 tracks but they have been archived

Tracks (2)
22nd Feb 2011 15:37 - 13 years ago
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Description : **********Unfinshed**************
This one I think would sound great for a "getting your life together" scene ina movie haha. But I really like overlaying trumpets on any beat. It really brings out the piano. I need a bass on this song bad if anyone wants to throw one on I would love you.
22nd Feb 2011 15:25 - 13 years ago
Description : A little song I put together. I used a lot of effects on this one trying to create a very atmospheric, almost supernatural, vibe. The vocals are done by a close friend and everything else is done through either direct recording or MIDI instruments. I used a program called MAGIX Music Maker to arrange this guy. I really enjoy Magix because of it's simple built in user interface regarding the effects and EQ. It's all right up in your face and I can get real hands on when I use it. The drum loops are a mixture of Looper man user loops and my own made through Cubase. Let me know what you think! Much love.
Tracks (2)