Description : An experiment in heuristic algorithm programming applied to tune structures and AI programming for the VSTi's used in a DAW created this tune. Glitching by LiveCut.
Description : Layered samples and VSTi drums, filtered with some old Cycling 74's effects grabbag and used free VST effects such as Broadcast, CS12, LiveCut, Resomatic, AO DX Flanger and FF Delay.
Description : Ensemble virtuelle. ( nothing is real.) An attempt to use a virtual saxophone and a virtual electric guitar with some drum samples. ( Background beatscape for websurfing.)
Description : Instrumental with vocal samples by Angie of MemoScarletto. Rendered in MW5 with Nyquist post-processing. Percussives and batteries are a combination of live, machined virtual, and layered samples from my grabbag. ArcDev Mainliner and Novakill's Ripsnorter were used on the basses; Ugo's Motion for some of the mids, and H.G. Fortunes's string synth for the upper ambients.
Me and my pet monkey Zorro worked more on the mix than the creation of the piece. After uploading it, I found a volume glitch in the second verse which I may or may not correct in the near or far future or never at all, depending on the plastic content in my tuna.
Description : A quick and dirty dance trak w/ some Anomaly J vox samples.
Now y'all can brag to your auntie how you can pistolwhip a better trak with your little toe. Cheers :)
Equip: (c)HP, (os)Ubuntu, (daw)MW5.36, (vst)Ozone4, (vsti)UGO's Texture and other grabbag drum goodies that I made with Hammerhead ( stop laughing; I know it's an ancient relic).
Description : "I hate you" done in Slayer2 on a relic with Delay Llama on vox. Sounds like a bunch of mulletheads in a trailerhome.
The Harley in the intro is my buddy Rahul burnin' da Hog.
Description : First attempt with vocals processed minimally using Ozone4 in FL8 on the profile hardware. Thanks, AnomalyJ for your hard work in this accapella.
Tracks (11)
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