Description : Blues Rhythm Guitar Track similar to Richard Kenricks' 'Royalty Blues'. Collaboration Request. Drums, Bass and Lead Guitar, too. (Vocals maybe...) I've got my idea, but I'm open to attempts.
Description : Guitar Driven Chord Progression along the lines of Van Morrison's "Wild Nights" song... I believe? Please correct the song title if I'm wrong. Thank You.
A Decent guitar solo and lots of layered guitar driven by effects.
Description : Was supposed to be Pink Balloons (too big) then If You Could Find (too big) and now finally... I hope. iLSiYE An electronic interpretation of happy feelings :) Weeeoo....
Description : A warbled mayhem of throbbing bass and catchy progression. Vocals could have been done better, but I Like It!!! I'll be redoing this track someday, but for now... Enjoy the BETA - Baby :)
Description : Ancient Ideas from 8 years ago. Four ideas in the works. Just let me know what you think. Feelings, sensations, Ideas. Good, Bad, Sucks. Don't tell me your masterful story of increase this and use this and this will sound much better because I don't care. Just let me know...
Description : A rhythm guitar track I made and sent to my cousin on the East Coast. Made with Tape-A-Talk app. from the Google Play Store. Download and collaborate with it.
Description : Made using the ESX-1 and added a deep laugh at the beginning.
Tracks (11)
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