Description : I ran into a old song by Nas and I remembered the piano sample. So I just r3mixed the piano sample. If anyone wants the piano sample then just let me know or something.
Description : Srry for the lame intro. But here's a cool chillback song. Hope u like and comment I would rly rly RLY luv feedback :).
Also if u like my stuff here's my soundcloud:
Description : Rip X. One of the motivational rappers I heard of. If u like this song. Follow my bro JeSuis on soundcloud. Search with the name: Je Suis I'art.
Description : I'm back after years lol! Hope you mates enjoy this lastest track of mine!
Tracks (20)
These tracks have been uploaded by kiuiTheVibes. If you listen to any of these tracks please leave your comments.
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