Description : Bonnie Rabson has been around Looperman for sometime and released some great acapellas this was one of her best... EDM track with a string rhythm and synth. Great vocals by Bonnie. Hope you enjoy.
Description : This is probably the biggest experiment I have tried, its kind of dub step meets poetry? I have never tried anything like dub step before and to intertwine a spoken word poem into it is even harder. From a poem called Dying by PIED3 - Let me know what you think...
Description : Firstly great thanks to Luizor for his great vocals. Heavy beats and bass drive a synth track with a "pop" style vocal influence combined to create a club mix. Enjoy...
Description : Free Flowing Electro-Dance Track, heavy beat and bass combine with synth and vocals to make a track that bounces but conveys a message about letting go and "Setting yourself free"
Description : A blend of dance and chill out, synths beats and bass meet piano and ambient sound... You can almost feel the songs title within the music
Description : Track originally made for an FPS that was never completed. To understand the nature of the track a little background to the story of the game: Set in post 2012 apocalyptic times, whilst the world didnt end the Solar Flares did knock out power and other various assets which in turn collapsed governments and reduced the world to Chaos. We then have the obligatory hero arrive and try to regain some normality in a struggle against you guessed it the bad guy.
The track is ambient and even so far as a sound scape, cinematic style and is the main theme at the opening of the game, it originally had a voice over but this is the music only.
Enjoy, if you find a use for this song somewhere please feel free to use it with all credits given to its origin.
Description : And now for something completely different... This is a loop experiment track. Every sound is a pre fabricated loop used in its original form and pieced together. I usually create all my own sounds and use only snippets of samples or sounds, so this one was an experiment to see how just pre made loops would fit together to make a track.
Description : I have been sitting on this one for sometime probably over a year since conception. Its a Dance/Electro track with energy and a pure club theme including the lyrics.
Description : Tried a new toy for this one, its a beat splitter / scratcher VST basically chops up the audio creating a stutter effect, works great on vocals. Let me know what you think!
Description : First off Big Thanks to FarishaMusic for her wonderful voice and acapella. I listened to many other tracks using this fantastic lyrical acapella and a common theme seemed to be towards a hip hop or rnb flavour so taking the plunge I took on the challenge and sped things up added the retro twist and present you with the C.I.A Club Mix of Take Me Home. Feedback welcome....
Description : This track was previously up on looperman I took it down and realised it wasnt getting any playtime because of my own lack of support for it so here it is again ... If you like it tell me !
Lyrics: Bass Goes Boom
All Round The Room
Spoken Words: Female: Are You The Police?
Male: No Mam We're Musicians
Description : Ok Warning this track is infectious, I defy you to not want to dance to this. I think its also one of those tracks the more you hear it the more it gets to you, of course there is always too much but who am I to argue ! In essence my first real Trance track, hope you enjoy it as much as I did making it. Let me know what you think.
Description : Firstly Thanks goes to MINOR2GO for his loop from his Track Sex On The DanceFloor which became the base of which this track was built on. So what else... The Lyrics:
Come On (With stutter and echo)
Meet me on the dance floor
We'll make love not war
Meet me on the dance floor
I know you want more
Middle Rap:
Our eyes met
Across the room
She shone out
Through the low lit gloom
I saw that look
There in her eyes
That took me
Quite, by surprise
I walked up
And took her hand
Told her all
I had planned
Its goes like this
Is what I said
She just smiled
With a nod of her head
Note the main vocals are meant to be Male - Female so no your not hearing things :-)
Comments most welcome, love to hear your thoughts so post a review ! Cheers C.I.A....
Description : On Monday 29th November, our cat was bitten by a snake and died, she was the family pet for almost 10 years, this song was written as a reflection of her life and the companion she was... we will all miss her love ...
Description : With great thanks to Nate Monoxide for his acapella - This is the dance remix by Chaos In Action of Road Rat the acapella by Nate Monoxide - All comments and critiscisms welcome...
Description : Remastered track please let me know which copy is the better sounding for me its this one but others may disagree. Once again big thank you to Nate for the Acapella this song was built upon...
Description : This track started as part of a megamix made as a 15 mins track to go running to a sort of self help mix, the original is slower in the mix this stand alone track was sped up and some small changes made, let me know what you think and the megamix is available on request
These tracks have been uploaded by ChaosInAction. If you listen to any of these tracks please leave your comments.
Please note that the creator of a track retains full copyright in that track and you are only entitled to listen and in some instances download. For further details on how you can use any tracks see the terms and conditions and the tracks section of the help area.