

Just a self taught music dood
somewhere, United States
Joined : 17th Aug 2018 - 6 years ago
Quinnfuzzball tracks

Quinnfuzzball has uploaded 2 tracks but they have been archived

Tracks (2)
15th Mar 2020 05:49 - 4 years ago
Description : Started some work on a new project using MIDI. If it cant be in a .mid, it ain't it. Lol. Felt the vibes for some music like this. The stuff you'd hear coming out of early soundcards before the CPU was able to process sound AND games at the same time. Planning on finishing this soon :D. I cant seem to find a genre to put this under...
14th Oct 2019 16:20 - 5 years ago
Description : Just a little something I've been working on. Still pretty rough right now and I'm only just gettin started on it but maybe soon I'll have it done.

If you'd like like to use the chords for yourself I've posted them on my loops page. Feel free to take a shot and send me your stuff.
Tracks (2)