jwifee tracks
jwifee has uploaded 2 tracks but they have been archived
25th Aug 2009 16:34 - 15 years ago
25th Aug 2009 16:34 - 15 years ago
Description : this is a collaboration of beatmasterdoubler's wife voice as well as Camilletianna's talking and my r&b track. Its hot as hell please give me your feed back about the track. DoubleR contact me by email please this is mad potential
26th Aug 2009 05:48 - 15 years ago
26th Aug 2009 05:48 - 15 years ago
Description : for all the microphone rippers out there i'd like to hear some vocals over this track. one of my originals with a loop from looperman. this is something new im trying out. i just started with this fruity loop thing but i think im getting the hang of it. id like to get some feedback from you'll. if you like it let me know i will email it to you and make it longer.
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