Description : I have returned. I know, anyone who knew me is probably gone but its still good to be back on Looperman. So, to business. This track was supposed to be something totally different than what it was. Still, it turned out okay so, here it is. Hope you all enjoy it and as always, comments are appreciated and sought after.
Description : I was trying to go for a really fast, brutal, in-your-face track, that had a symphonic feel without resorting to using actual symphony instrumentation, This is what I came up with. Check it out and let me know what you think. Peace, Love, and Animal Crackers!
Description : Just a little track I have put together that will ultimately end up on my e.p. I am working on. Check it out and let me know what you think.
Description : Another oddball mix of genre's. was trying to create a dance tune that my daughter had created but the metal head in me got away from me, so now its a dance track you can mosh to. Let me know what you think.
Description : Kind of a strange track for me, but I have been trying to move in alternate directions and take the music paths less traveled, so here it is. As always, feedback is welcome.
Description : Well, this is rather hard to explain. I wrote the lyrics to this a year or two ago but it sounded too much like a country music song, and I don't make country music. So, the song got shelved. I finally decided to put her together and this track kinda took off. The acoustic guitar credit goes to InsaneSmilie, for his Insane Acoustic loops. The beat was made in FL Studio 10 And all the vox are me. I really tried to make this as little country music sounding as possible, but let me know what you think. Enjoy and peace.
Description : Have you ever had a fight with someone that just got the creative juices flowing overtime, just dripping emotion? Well this is one of those songs. All the music was created with FL9 Studio using low-level vst's and then finished in Adobe Audition. The vocals are all me. All in all a fun track, I think. But let me know, maybe I'm cracked. Enjoy!
Description : I made this and the old Charlie Brown cartoons came to mind, but it seemed like something that would come from older kids. So, Charlie and his friends started a college band. Instruments and their players are as such, in the order you hear them;
Piano - Schroeder, Drums - Pig Pen, Bass - Linus, Heavy Guitar - Charlie Brown, Wah Guitar - Snoopy.
Description : I have a friend of mine (who happens to be a member of the site) that told me that no one had really put out a good anthem song in a while. Well, I don't know if this is good, but here is his anthem. The music, guitar, bass, drums, were made with FL Studios 10 and then effected in Adobe Audition. The vocals, main and crowd, are all me. Let me know what you think, all are welcome.
Description : Funny Story. I was playing around with piano riffs and came up with this twisted little saloon sounding run that i had to use. But the metal head in me got the best of me so of course the drums have double-bass throughout and the guitars are heavy. Still it has a really cool dreamy feel and the title should help you to understand where I was going. Let me know what Y'all think. Enjoy
Description : Here is another anger-driven song brought on by my own relationships. I'm sure many of y'all have wanted to say things like this to someone. The entire song was created in FL Studio 10 then remixed and mastered using adobe audition. Vocals are all me, hope you guys enjoy.
Description : I thought the title was kinda cool. It fit since the track was created entirely in FL Studio 10, the newest version I have, and Mastered using Adobe Audition 3.0, which is now my newest version. I am really happy with how this track turned out, once the tracks went into Adobe, leveling seemed to work itself out. This track is short but it's screaming for lyrics, and anyone is welcome to use the track and add lyrics just credit me with the original work. Enjoy everyone. Peace.
As I said, Here is part two of the tracks. This one has a lower bpm and is longer, but is no less cool. Once again, I used the original track but this time i ran it through some vst's and effects, then added my own drums, bass, and guitars. So, listen to both tracks then let me know what you think. Enjoy. Peace and Love all!
Description : **UPDATE**
Due to some feedback received and my own dislike for the original posting of this track, I have completely revamped the vocals and adjusted levels as well as added to the whole feel of the song. Hope this sound better. Peace and Animal Crackers.
Okay, This goes back to the near beginning for me. I first made this track shortly after I joined this sight, but it never felt quite right. Well, after two years, it's done. This is part one. I used the original track that I made with loops from this sight, then I added my own drums, bass, guitars and voice. I will admit that both tracks, part one and part two both have the same vocals (hey it worked for Slipknot!) just drastically different sounds. Hope you enjoy them as they were alot of work, although truly a labor of love. Let me know what you think, as feedback is truly appreciated and wanted. Enjoy
Description : TO begin with, I'm not too sure if this in the right genre, it's almost not heavy enough for metal but too hard for rock. Anyway, here is something new, this track has vocals and I am actually singing, yes good loopers, I said singing. I kept the death metal scream down to two and the rest is just really accomplished by a lot of arranging and re arranging. All music and vocals are done by me. Hope you enjoy it, please give me all feedback, good bad or indifferent.
I want for you to ache for me
Like when I try to picture the world
A duller shade -- meaning less
Devoid of life - so meaningless
-- Let's Go!!
Verse 1
My senses are my only weakness
Sight, sound, smell, touch, taste
I fiend for you to overwhelm me
Addicted the worst f**king ways
My spirit aches to drink you in
I writhe and shake like one possessed
I need you like I need to breathe
Please help me fill my emptiness
I want for you to ache for me
Like when I try to picture the world
A duller shade -- meaning less
Devoid of life - so meaningless x2
Take just a moment to reflect
And realize it is easier
To remember all the difficulties
Than when your heart was truly stirred
And when you find that treasure past
the fire that once burned so clear
Perhaps you can relight the flame
without rekindling pain and fear
Description : Just wanted to create a typical track that I used to put up with such pride. So, here it is. The drums were created using FL9 but the tree guitar tracks and the bass are all played by me. i just wanted something that got your head bobbing and your foot tapping, hope I accomplished it. Feedback is appreciated, so let me know what you think. Enjoy
Description : I know it sounds synthesizes as hell, but I left it that way because when I heard it, I was drawn back to my younger days, playing old school RPG and Fighting games. This reminded me of the music you heard during boss battles or final fight scenes, thus the title. Okay, this whole track was created using FL9 Studio Pro then mixed down to wav files and final mastered using Adobe Audition.
Description : Okay, here's a little genre-masher. I downloaded Anomoly J's acapella "My Own Beating Heart" about a year ago because I really wanted to put music to it. I tried when I first got the file but I was unable to do something I was proud of. About a month ago I tried a gain and I ended up putting this together. I wanted to do a song that was in the genre of the acapella, but my metalhead roots came through again. So, here it is in all its glory and I hope y'all like it. Big thanks to miss Jones for the pella, love the voice. All instruments are played by me(drums, bass, guitars). Enjoy.
Description : I wish to begin this description with a thank you to Ray Koefoed for his awesome pella, without it this track wouldn't be half as good. That being said, I had a devil of a time putting this to music, but here it is in it's six and a half minute glory. The drums, bass, and both guitars were created using Fruity Loops Studio 9, hopefully the instruments don't sound too synthesized. Hope you all like it and I appreciate feedback. Enjoy peace.
Description : As anyone who knows any of my music, I have been strangely quiet for a while. Well, I have been deep in my garage recording studio hammering out some tracks since I now have enough equipment to play my own music. So, here is the fruits of 3 weeks worth of recording, re-recording, mixing, and re-mixing. I had some seriously needed and appreciated help with the producing by my good friend memyself40, another seriously good member of the fam. So here it is, all instruments and vocals are done by me. Hope y'all enjoy it. As always feedback is appreciated and wanted since this is the first track that I have created myself, no loops, just me playing.
Slow (Life & Death)
Life Death x4
Life or Death it's all just a game
No one wins you Lose any way x2
You're never gonna make it out of this alive
You're never gonna make it out of this alive
Never gonna make it out of this alive
I'ts useless to try you won't make it alive
All my life I've tried to be straight
All my life I've tried not to hate
All my life I've tried to be free
All my life I've tried to me
No one knows what I all see
No one knows what I will be
No one knows just how I feel
No one knows what I see is not real
No one here has any clue
None of you would know what to do
Take a walk all in my shoes
It's your chance, yes you can prove
That you've got the guts to take on
All the sh*t that seems to go wrong
Every time life hits me down
I get up and say "ONE MORE ROUND!"
one more round
(one more round)
Everyone know it's not over
Everyone knows it not over yet
Everyone know it's not over
Everyone knows it not over yet
I'm not dead yet
I'm not dead
(I'm not dead)
I'm gonna live my life nice and slow x4
I'm gonna take it all slow
I'm gonna let it just flow
I'm gonna take it all slow
And then I'll go!
Description : This was posted earlier today under the name Distorto Smooooooth. Well, after some feedback, I tried to fix it and finally I just gave up and decided that I would just eq and level adjust the raw files, without any distortion, and submit it, why fix something that ain't broke? I know some people had an issue with the bass line but I think they clash, and mesh enough to make the sound unique. Enjoy!
Description : This was just a experiment with different filters gone terribly wrong that produced a sound I just couldn't NOT use, so here it is. I know it runs a little long but try and listen to the end, the end is rather cool. The length is truly shorter than it was when I first put it together. Enjoy and feedback is always wanted.
Description : Yes, I know the title sounds kind of ominous. I personally have never used meth but I have been told it's pretty terrible. A friend of mine got himself clean from it and he said that his dreams that he was having when he was detoxing were, and I quote "meth-fueled nightmares that never ended." well, this is how I imagine a soundtrack to those kind of dreams would sound. **WARNING** this track has a big bass boom running throughout, I eq'ed the track to not clip but if your speakers aren't good at bass, try headphones. Peace y'all.
Nosnhoj Nilremus
Description : I found a trasure trove of old loops and sat down a week ago to try and create something for fun and to get the creativity running again. Well, I did it! I am fairly proud with how this whole thing sounds, even the vocals(well, loosely proud of the vocals.) I was going to rerecord some of the vocal track but I like the raw, almost freestyle sound I have here so it remains in all its glory. Hope you like it, and feedback is welcome.
Due to some feedback, I re-eq'd the track and raised the levels on a few things. Hopefully this sounds better.
Description : I named this track what I always say in my descriptions. Nothing new or different here, metal, just metal. Same old, unforgiving, bonecrushing, in-your-face, pounding, driving metal. So, now for something a little different......
These tracks have been uploaded by nosnhojnilremus. If you listen to any of these tracks please leave your comments.
Please note that the creator of a track retains full copyright in that track and you are only entitled to listen and in some instances download. For further details on how you can use any tracks see the terms and conditions and the tracks section of the help area.