Description : Housey(?), electro groove using ade1980 vocals. Always looking for constructive criticism. Been having real issues lately on eq/balance especially with lower frequency stuff.
Description : An old track that I've just put up on soundcloud #goldmachine. Just a bit of fun that a few friends got a kick out of. Can't remember you supplied rap...if it's someone you know please let me know.
Description : From a little project which is purely for fun, I have used a few different vocal loops for which I am eternally grateful not just to the individuals involved but also to all the people on this site. I can't remember who I have downloaded but rest assured this is all for my personal enjoyment only.
Description : I've called it ambient because I had this string melody in my head and when I put it together it needed something more so I added a rap/poem by Luckyfeatherstudios which seemed to fit nicely. If anyone wants me work a vocal for them let me know. Thanks to the 'Chance' vocal sorry I can't remember who I pinched it from....must make notes!
Tracks (17)
These tracks have been uploaded by MartinDraper. If you listen to any of these tracks please leave your comments.
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