Kikajon tracks
Kikajon has uploaded 28 tracks
2nd Apr 2010 22:19 - 14 years ago
2nd Apr 2010 22:19 - 14 years ago
Description : I've used up all my 50 tracks so I thought I'd make some loops. But then it got a bit out of hand and it turned into this song instead. So now the song that started out as loops is replacing one of my older tracks.
Anyway, this is most definately a work in progress. I hope my Transatlantic bandmates Jim and Allen will contribute to this piece. And maybe change the lyrics into something that makes sense since the lyrics is an adlib. :)
I played a strat, precision, sang into the speakers of the macbook pro, recorded with Garageband, used NYC drum loops, please enjoy and tell me what you think.
13th Feb 2011 00:41 - 14 years ago
13th Feb 2011 00:41 - 14 years ago
Description : This track in swedish, originally titled Om Kärlek, was written a few years back. As I went through my songs tonight I listnened to it and I thought I share it with you.
I had great help on this one, My oldest daughter and my son sings the backing vocals to this song about a man seeking forgivness.
With new strings on the stratocaster, a macbook pro, garageband, a fretless presicion and the loving help from the kids, this is how it can sound. Enjoy.
13th Aug 2011 10:47 - 13 years ago
13th Aug 2011 10:47 - 13 years ago
Description : Update: chorus volumes.
The first version of this tune was a part of my bands repertoire back in the eighties. Back then the lyrics was in Swedish but the vocals in this recording is an adlib in english based on the same theme.
Apple loops for the drums, garageband, Logic, precision, strat and my cranky voice disturbing the neighbours. Enjoy!
These tracks have been uploaded by Kikajon. If you listen to any of these tracks please leave your comments.
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