ShojoBeast tracks
ShojoBeast has uploaded 12 tracks but they have been archived
27th Apr 2014 05:59 - 10 years ago
27th Apr 2014 05:59 - 10 years ago
Description : Just messing around with Fruity Loops, first upload in a LONG time! Hope ya enjoy!
29th May 2012 04:08 - 12 years ago
29th May 2012 04:08 - 12 years ago
Description : Folded Paper and cherry blossoms.
vocal loops were made by me and all other loops were freshly picked from looperman.
Made with Iamthepcjungulator.
Enjoy and try not to get paper cuts.
27th May 2012 06:12 - 12 years ago
27th May 2012 06:12 - 12 years ago
Description : A jalapeño dream.
Made with I am the pc jungulator. Spiced up with some homemade salsa and pickled nicely. Fried up with some tamales and eaten completely.
The vocal loops are saying the following:
uno, dos, tres, cuatro,
mi gusta, Sé que te gusta (I'm pretty sure)
My friend (who speaks Spanish) told me that it means:
I like it, I know you like it.
She was very confused of why I looped the saying over and over again. At least she liked the song.
Mi gusta tu grande diente.
31st Jul 2011 01:21 - 13 years ago
31st Jul 2011 01:21 - 13 years ago
Description : Green, blue, pink, and yellow. Jell-Os cover the eating table. Dancing and dancing, round and round. Bouncing up to the sound. Neon glowing Jell-Os, are waiting to be eaten. Can you taste the marshmallow cream?
Made on I am the Mighty PC Jungulator. Made with my own Pixie Dust.
9th May 2011 22:58 - 13 years ago
9th May 2011 22:58 - 13 years ago
Description : Inspired by the book series called Uglies (Uglies, Pretties, Specials, and Extras). I'm reading the last book, Extras, and hope to finish it soon.
The song is about a party, where all the Manga-Heads gather around and dance. With their spiky neon pink and blue hair, the show off their new manga clothes.
Helped mastered by n0mad23, and a big thank you to Anomaly Jonez who told me about her competition, which made me make a song.
3rd May 2011 02:19 - 13 years ago
3rd May 2011 02:19 - 13 years ago
Description : An Ode to my favorite calico cat Tika Spot Sharp Tooth Leaping Razor Smiling Sleeping Cat Feather Chaser Rat Bane Lizard Tormentor. I had her sense I was two, she died a month before my 12th birthday. She was a wonderful kitty and I miss her so much! She would always make these noises in her sleep, and I knew she was dreaming. This is her dream of fish markets and ever green trees.
18th Jul 2010 20:05 - 14 years ago
18th Jul 2010 20:05 - 14 years ago
Description : I really loved this song and thought that it needed lyrics to it. My cousin and I made the lyrics and sang them. Made on Reaper. It's about a faery princess who is trapped in a cocoon thinking of her prince and all her travels flying around. We had so much fun making it. n0mad23 and I sat down for four hours and voila`! Perfect! Enjoy!
3rd Jun 2010 02:51 - 14 years ago
3rd Jun 2010 02:51 - 14 years ago
Description : This track really reminds me of a game my sister and I play, Baten Kaitos. It really reminds me of this on place where every thing is like a trumpet! It's where the emperor lives.
Help please of which genre this is!
Helped mastering by n0mad23...
11th Apr 2010 18:59 - 14 years ago
11th Apr 2010 18:59 - 14 years ago
Description : Do you hear that? Do you hear the Deku Shrubs singing? Do you hear the bubbles they're blowing? Do you hear them stamping their feet, hoping that they won't be forgotten? Do you hear them?
I do...
Made on I am the Mighty PC Jungulator. Helped mastering by n0mad23.
Don't forget the Deku Shrubs...
Don't forget.
20th Mar 2010 23:01 - 15 years ago
20th Mar 2010 23:01 - 15 years ago
Description : This song really reminds me of dolphins getting together and being so happy. Then, you swoop down and see oils spills everywhere! Oh no!!
When I made this song it almost made me cry, and then I thought, "We seriously need to help out the environment!!!" So, please do stuff to help out our world.
Helped mastering by n0mad23. Most loops are done by planetjazzbass, besides a few.
Thanks for listening!
12th Feb 2010 03:12 - 15 years ago
12th Feb 2010 03:12 - 15 years ago
Description : Sit down to a nice big table with the Goddess.
Ahhhhh, smell the bacon and eggs, or how about the crisp toast and honey comb? Ahhh...... Sweet, sweet food.
Made on Reaper Demo (Which was hard). And helped mastering by, drum roll please!!!
n0mad23. Thanks!!!
All loops (besides a few) made by CalifKen.
Please enjoy your breakfast!!!
31st Jan 2010 02:11 - 15 years ago
31st Jan 2010 02:11 - 15 years ago
Description : Recorded on Reaper Demo. All loops for here. Will try to figure out whose and review them. Feat-vocal loops by Mhyst (Saela Me and Ooooohhhhhh) and Navishy (Omg). Vocals transposed and effected. Helped mastering with n0mad23. Enjoy!!!
These tracks have been uploaded by ShojoBeast. If you listen to any of these tracks please leave your comments.
Please note that the creator of a track retains full copyright in that track and you are only entitled to listen and in some instances download. For further details on how you can use any tracks see the terms and conditions and the tracks section of the help area.