

Dubstep Loops and Tracks
Middletown, United States
Joined : 5th Jan 2010 - 15 years ago
Varren tracks

Varren has uploaded 33 tracks but they have been archived

Tracks 1 - 25 of 33
17th Jul 2016 22:41 - 8 years ago
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Description : Found some cool celtic chords and made a track.
9th May 2013 19:30 - 11 years ago
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Description : Dubstep/EDM 140 BPM,
Bass/Synths done in Massive 1.5
Mastered and EQ
Find me on soundcloud @ PsychoSektor
15th May 2012 15:46 - 12 years ago
Description : FL Studio, NI Massive, Heavy dubstep track by PSYCHOSEKTOR on Soundcloud. Thanks for listening, its been a while since ive uploaded any tracks
17th Mar 2012 20:47 - 13 years ago
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Description : Done in NI Massive and FL Studio. PsychoSektor - Foxman
11th Feb 2012 06:14 - 13 years ago
Description : My friend is watching this move about a psycho lady named bertha. Apparently she goes on killing sprees and eats people... so my friend and I had the grand idea to compose a song about bertha to play for the class.

Produced with massive; I recorded some sweet screemo vocals to compliment the brutalness!
9th Jan 2012 15:46 - 13 years ago
Description : Origonal Version of the song "black"

The remixed version in also on my page.
22nd Dec 2011 15:28 - 13 years ago
Description : This is a dancey drum and bass tune i came up with in like, two hours. It's melodic but heavy, it's pretty relaxing too. Lotta pads. a piano. Nice bassline with the typical variations of tempo and bass that are always found in dnb and dubstep.
13th Dec 2011 15:23 - 13 years ago
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Description : Electric Dreams - Brandon Hilton
Alt. Version - Rayzen Music

Dance/pop track remixed by Rayzen
7th Dec 2011 18:14 - 13 years ago
Description : DEMO track. this is a tune that i'm workin on for my nigs in Kamikaze Dream. check it out, an check out their page " KAMIKAZE DREAM " they got some sweet stuff.

With this track: they introduced me to a some really cool things that i never though of incorporating in my music. Dubstep-like kicks, Pads sick stabs CRAZY VOCALS, i love his scream. its pretty brutal

Genere: DanceCore

Sounds kind of like Breathe Carolina or Blood on the Dancefloor
26th Nov 2011 06:51 - 13 years ago
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Description : Second upload of the demo, this has a different intro and there's been a few bass changes. Its' not done yet so don't hate :p

This is a rough draft of a tune i'm working on.

This is by far my best dubstep track, i really worked on the synths. I wanted them to have that powerful feel that i had been lacking in past tracks. It's pretty bassy and dirty.

Check it out, let me know if yall like it, i'll hit you up an check out your tunes.

I used an acapella, i forget who it's by. But it goes "we came here tonight to celebrate beats from hell" so whosever it is, nice vocals.

25th Sep 2022 04:02 - 2 years ago
Description : Kill without pause or remorse. I am a voice in a choir.

Hello everyone... It's been a while. This was created with FL Studio as always. All loops are my own creation. Samples were pulled from a few places, namely System Shock 2, Babylon 5, and Mass Effect.

Thanks for listening, criticism is always welcome.

13th Jan 2019 23:26 - 6 years ago
Description : Varren - Mars Knight (Melodic Hard Techno)
2nd Jan 2018 03:36 - 7 years ago
Description : Roses Ft Micah Byrnes
1st Feb 2012 14:56 - 13 years ago
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Description : So i know what youre saying "oh goddamnit, another one of those rediculous dubstep tracks." Yeah i feel you. This ones got more melody and less overpowering fx than some stuff you come across. 140bpm Massive drivin.

Thanks for listning folks
19th Aug 2011 05:31 - 13 years ago
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Description : ^^ it is what it is. I chopped up a bunch of different stuff and created a little dance tune with some cool guitar and synth progressions. I found some pretty vocals too. Hit me up if you like it.

www.soundcloud. com/rayzen

thanks yall - RZ
19th Aug 2011 04:36 - 13 years ago
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Description : This track is straight up trance in the way it's set up. I found some sweeeeet synths to use for this song. some real spacie stuff. It's got all of the usual trance plucks and the bass. Dah dah dah buildup and then BAM sweet melody! I love melodies against a sweet chord progression. In this case a series sequenced notes.

Check it out

Thanks_ RZ
19th Aug 2011 02:16 - 13 years ago
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Description : Okay, so. Here is one of my older techno songs. Well, slightly unrecent. It's technoish. i never know how to describe my music.. cause it's not tec- yeah it is, never mind. I used some interesting sound effects and multiple synths to create a few different melodies.

It's a happy tune. Kinda bright and cheerful.. But I feel like it's got some underlying emotions that I can't put my finger on. I always need emotions in my songs. that's what music is folks. Emotions and feelings in a series of sounds that create a 3:00 min. jurney into someones heart...

Yeah you can download it if you want. Why not. Ive got some more stuff coming, i just have to space the stuff out a little bit because my internet is slow as.. balls?

Check it loopermastas, let me know what you all think.
17th Aug 2011 06:14 - 13 years ago
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Description : Techno/Dance, this song has some pretty sweet synth melodies, i'm not gonna lie. It has a slightly different beat than what you would expect from a trance or techno song. It adds so much more to the buildup and general emotion of the song. It's a happy sounding song with undertones of sorrow. Distorted vocals always work wonderfuly for adding ANYthing to a song. No dubstep nation, i'm not going to "eat this" or any of your crap for that matter.....

just kidding DN, anyway.. Check it out, lemmy know what you folks think.

Thanks - RZ

Download this song for a limited time only.
13th Aug 2011 19:29 - 13 years ago
Description : xxxxx
23rd May 2011 18:19 - 13 years ago
Description : Hey folks!

So ive been working on some stuff, most of which isn't finished and has been stalled by a writers block.. This is something that has actualy succeded in making it to the "compleated" folder and thus, was uploaded! It's a tranceish tune, ambient with progressive chorded synths and some sweet pads.. I think it's a decent trance tune,

Trance All the way my fellow music lovers!!! I like what's going on here, and did everyone see the new looperman page on SOUNDCLOUD? Check it out on the "Groups" page.

_peace errybody! - Rayzen
17th May 2011 18:27 - 13 years ago
Description : Well,

one of my first cracks at "Industrial" it starts out with some darker stuff but by the end, most of the darkwave sound is lost unfortunantly. I like some of the melodies and stuff that I threw in there.

I used FL studio and created all of the loops that I used, some of which are on my loops page(:

Let me know what you think folks! the feedback helps a lot so i know if i'm making quality music.
5th Apr 2011 15:08 - 13 years ago
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Description : -BUG FIXED-

Colaboration with my buddy. This is an experiment on a different style of dance music. it's not techno and it's not trance.. ; If you like this song, check out my profile for more tracks! If you use any of my loops, let me know what you come up with! ~ Peace - check out my youtube for more music!! -
25th Aug 2010 02:22 - 14 years ago
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Description : Trance III Gold; If you like this track, check out my profile, ive got lots of sweet trance loops! Thanks folks
7th Jun 2011 18:13 - 13 years ago
Description : Here is a new track by RAYZEN, This track has a variation of gritty synth wobbles along with bright synth hits. It has a dubstep style drum beat and "bass wobbles" to add a dub style sound to the track. Grime mixed with beauty. like Fluxie P. Enjoy~!
27th May 2011 18:13 - 13 years ago
Description : New track from RAYZEN: HQ Industrial/Dance music - Rising from the Blacknes: Lies

Checkout my page for more sweet loops and other tracks.

Some of the loops from this song will EVENTUALY be up on my loops page, let me know if you want any of them and i'll put 'em up - Thanks for the support everyone(:

Hit up my soundcloud for the FREE download

Tracks 1 - 25 of 33