Phyruis tracks
Phyruis has uploaded 29 tracks but they have been archived
6th Sep 2014 10:13 - 10 years ago
6th Sep 2014 10:13 - 10 years ago
Description : This track was inspired by the recent chaos going on in my life... family fallouts mostly...
it took me about 70hrs in total getting the drum parts sounding crisp was a task and a half but I recently started to use abletons saturation and overdrive to give the drums a boost... and I think it works...
the bass comes from a double bass sample I had kicking around .. and the pads are just looped back on themselves and stretched...
I threw in a few hip hop hits as well.. I think it works well..
anyway... any comments welcome... maybe if I get a few I might put it up to download if your interested in that that is..
11th Jun 2014 15:56 - 10 years ago
11th Jun 2014 15:56 - 10 years ago
Description : Some of you may remember me from way back.. maybe even previous incarnations of me...This is my first track here in like 2 years give or take 6 months.. eek!!... I guess there will be some of you that will slate me for that and yes I guess I some what deserve it... not the less.
This track is something some people may expect beens as its glitchy but I've been messing alot with hip hop breaks...cutting them up..also toying with the 808 trap loops and mixing them up with my usually glitchy elements...
hopefully it sounds good
I would love to hear your opinions..
4th Feb 2013 09:28 - 12 years ago
4th Feb 2013 09:28 - 12 years ago
Description : Hey Folks.. its been a while since I uploaded here... stuff has kinda got in the way of my production...I do miss posting here... ALOT..
this track was supposed to be part of a future release but I'm still not sure if it even suits my style... I wrote it way back at the beginning of last year and have now got to putting the finishing touches to it ...
I think it might need another run at mastering wise but...ah well ... this is what I have soon far.. I hope you guys enjoy it...
21st Dec 2012 14:56 - 12 years ago
21st Dec 2012 14:56 - 12 years ago
Description : OK so this is a remastered version of this track... I loved making this it was an awesome learning curve...
as always made in ableton 8.3 with samplers,glich makers such as dblue... all in all brilliant fun...
22nd Oct 2014 14:25 - 10 years ago
22nd Oct 2014 14:25 - 10 years ago
Description : This is a redo of a track I did earlier on in the year... I messed around with the dynamics abit changed a few hats and things ..not much else to say...enjoy
25th Sep 2012 14:48 - 12 years ago
25th Sep 2012 14:48 - 12 years ago
Description : So...really this is my first track in about six months maybe more... well I said that it's the first track I have finished to a decent standard... it maybe a little rough around the edges as I think the track could do with a final mix down...
I was inspired to write this by listening to adam F and a like also I had been listen to a lot of dark jungle as well..this track doesn't reflect the darkness... I don't think anyway...
Made in Ableton Live 8 using the Akai.. a few pre set on massive which I tweaked the hell out of... a load of one shot from various places...
I have to say I enjoyed making this track and I haven't done that for a good while..
24th Apr 2012 13:45 - 12 years ago
24th Apr 2012 13:45 - 12 years ago
Description : ok so... I have been working so much on the label things are now starting to wash over me and spill over in to my own music... but I have to be honest and I have been listening to loads of bjork and thom yorke which is my major influence here..
So made totally in ableton using various plugins and samplers.. I also really got into using gating and sidechaining techniques on the this one and using them to create glitchy sounds rather than using dblueglitch or anything like that I thinkit works... you tell me if it doesn't ...
thanks enjoy
5th Aug 2011 11:08 - 13 years ago
5th Aug 2011 11:08 - 13 years ago
Description : ok so folks this is my entry into Odotzed's Grime instrumental comp..
On this one I kinda was in a rush because I'm on my hols for a week with the Family and I'm gonna be miles and miles from my beloved computer... ahhhhhhhhhhh!!!
so if I hadn't got it in today I would have missed the deadline.,... so anyway fingers crossed...
this track I made in Ableton 8 with the help of a great bass Vst that I got free with my computer mag called alpha I think and some great bass samples I found not sure where they came from... I wanna say loopermasters but I'm not definite
the drum track I based on a sort of southern hip hop style but the bass is all about the UK....and I let it do all the talking
I encoded it to mp3 in audacity....
as always comments welcome
14th Jul 2011 10:10 - 13 years ago
14th Jul 2011 10:10 - 13 years ago
Description : ok so ...
posted a thread asking for a remix which I have to admit I replied to without hearing his finished track...
but when he sent me the stem after a couple of listens all I could hear in my Head was my friend ELSD's sound so I thought I'd remix this track with his style in mind...
now I've said that I hope he doesn't mind....
anyway I kept the bassline ,pads and some of the piano stem and added my own glitch style drums...
then I cut the vocals up and added a load of sfx.. hopefully there is enough of the original to keep gpmann happy and to qualify it as a remix.. ya'll have to let me know on that one....
anyway ... I made this in ableton 8 and encoded it to MP3 with audacity...
as always any comments welcome..
12th Jul 2011 10:46 - 13 years ago
12th Jul 2011 10:46 - 13 years ago
Description : ok... so .... I recently spent some time clear out my computer and checking through my samples get rid of the ones I didn't want and all that...
I came across this set of guitar samples so I thought I'll see what I could do with them... so this what I came up with... it is at 160bpm so I have used some of my trusty dnb samples to give it an end but nothing you'd really notice....
it's a complete departure from my usual style, clean, NO glitches and easy on the atmosphere....but don't worry there is more glitch coming!!...
so you could say this would be my release single...ha ha ha ... suck 'em in and all that ...ha ha ha
anyway I hope you enjoy it and as always any comment are welcome...
6th Jul 2011 10:15 - 13 years ago
6th Jul 2011 10:15 - 13 years ago
Description : ok .... so ..this is a remix of Spivkurl Track "brandy wine"...
I took the stems...added an extra dimension to it with different drums, some strings and a new heavy bass line... I tried keep the original in mind but kinda got carried away... hopefully you can hear it in there..
I made the whole thing in ableton 8 and used Izotope to and a few finishing touches to it... then used audacity to encode it to Mp3
any comments welcome as always.... especially is your name is Spivkurl !! ha ha ha
15th Jun 2011 10:49 - 13 years ago
15th Jun 2011 10:49 - 13 years ago
Description : ok... so...
I heard Elaine track and I offered to add a little fx to it....
that quickly turned into a remix... I used a load of dblue glitch and changed up the tempo to 170bpm ... the first drums you hear in the track are Elaines original ones sped up a little with a filter.... then I added some stuff to make it kinda my own...
I struggle sometime with the whole concept of remix because most times I lose the essence of the original track.... this remix will probably get accused of that but...this is what I heard in my head when I heard the original...
I made the whole track in ableton with a few loops some vsti's and a shed load of automation... I encoded the track to mp3 with audacity...
any comments welcome as always....
13th Jun 2011 07:45 - 13 years ago
13th Jun 2011 07:45 - 13 years ago
Description : OK so this is the first track I'm putting up for REMIX.....
what inspired me on this one was Thom Yorke...his vocal style is awesome and his solo stuff is just like genius personified... if you haven't checked it out go do so .... if your a fan of radiohead you'll love it...
this is a piece of glitch/piano chillout pop/industrial completely out from what I normally produce but I think it still has all my character in it.....
anyone that wants to get on it vocal wise give me a shout and we'll see if we can't sort something out....
any comments welcome as always...
I made this totally in ableton and encoded it to mp3 with audacity..
24th Apr 2011 14:21 - 13 years ago
24th Apr 2011 14:21 - 13 years ago
Description : so this is other track I've been working on this month....
With this one I went back to my roots...very Nine Inch Nails... trying some new things like working with guitar and live bass combinator patches... as well as using groove to add to the drum track...
this is made totally in reason 5 and encoded to mp3 in audacity..
any comments welcome
22nd Apr 2011 10:30 - 13 years ago
22nd Apr 2011 10:30 - 13 years ago
Description : ok so this is something I knocked out quite quick over this last week....
lately I've become interested in working in other genres... so this is something I tried it was supposed to sound like UK garage but I'm not so sure so I put it in dance....
I'm really starting to come into the idea of work with others.. colabing ... so any artist that fancies it PM me and we'll do something...not fussed about genre... I work mostly in Reason 5 but I have fruity 9... Ableton 8... Acid pro...not quite as up on these programs but I am willing to learn....
I made this in reason5 and encoded it to mp3 with audacity...
Any comment welcome
27th Mar 2011 14:49 - 13 years ago
27th Mar 2011 14:49 - 13 years ago
Description : so this is something I've been messing about with for a couple of days ...just wanted to see if I could do something at a speeder tempo but still be downtempo....
I struggled with the intro because I didn't want to make it too dark... I have a tendancy to do that sometimes... I wanted to keep it light and airy...
the bassline still ain't right but .. I might go back and tweak it later...
I made thing whole track in reason5 and encoded it in audacity to mp3...
any comments welcome as always
22nd Mar 2011 13:31 - 14 years ago
22nd Mar 2011 13:31 - 14 years ago
Description : ok so this is something I work on just before I broke my hand last summer..... it had no bass line so I had to add one but I think after a week or two it came the bass will speak to most hardened bass heads....
this should get the subs shaking if I've got the balance right... it's definitely not dirty dubstep but it is nice and chilled almost like a dub thing but with a hard edge to it.. so I put it in ambient in the end
if that makes any sense at all..
The bassline is totally inspired by a recent conversation with Rollagee about the need or not for wobble in dubstep
I use reason 5 and audacity to encode it to mp3...
enjoy... any comments welcome
11th Mar 2011 16:12 - 14 years ago
11th Mar 2011 16:12 - 14 years ago
Description : yet another Idea for my took me a long while to get the balance right on this one...
I struggled to get the element of dark and light right... I think I got it right but be the judge
I made the whole thing in reason 5 and encoded it with audacity..
21st Nov 2011 12:56 - 13 years ago
21st Nov 2011 12:56 - 13 years ago
Description : I have been playing with the idea of releasing or getting other release together... those of you that know me know this is not an easy thing for me to the label has picked up alot of interest .. so hence the title..
everything is paused especially my own music..
I made the track totally in ableton with a few one shots to make up the drum track and the bassline... a few vst's for the strings and the piano (which I had to do without the use of my akai because it's bust...aaaaahh!!).. I put the final touches to the track using Ozone and a few classic plugins for a sort of master..
I really would like any opinions about the mix on this one... I have a suspicion that the bass is too deep for people without SUB's but I may be wrong (it has been known!!)
6th Nov 2011 14:08 - 13 years ago
6th Nov 2011 14:08 - 13 years ago
Description : ok so this is one of the tracks I did when Looperman was down... it's something I worked on for about a's not quite there on the mastering side but I think this is the best mix down I've done to date.... definitely a hot contender for my next EP... anyway as always comments are welcome
19th Nov 2012 10:08 - 12 years ago
19th Nov 2012 10:08 - 12 years ago
Description : I am so close to another release... but I doubt it will be on Housefly ... This track came about listening to Lorn and Flying Lotus...I came to thinking isnt it strange how some people can hear rhythm in pops and cracks and others cant... This track is a lean that way with out being that way... which sound cryptic but if you listen to it you should get what I mean
4th Nov 2011 08:53 - 13 years ago
4th Nov 2011 08:53 - 13 years ago
Description : This one was difficult for me simply because Some of the elements I haven't liked all the way through the making of it...I'm not going to share with you which bits.. but ... any how...
I stuck with it...
I made the track totally in Ableton 8...used the Dominator VST for the Synths and loads of hits to build the drum track and the glitches...
I also use paulstretch to create the pads which is fun if you don't have it get it it's a FREE VST and it's great ( another one I have Cass to thank for!! )
anyway ...
As always comments most welcome...
18th Aug 2011 10:02 - 13 years ago
18th Aug 2011 10:02 - 13 years ago
Description : so ... I thought I'd try some experimenting... I started with a hiphop style beat added some glitches and sound FX..then it kinda took on a life of its own ....
original I wanted to write a trip hop track as I have been listening to a bit of massive attack recently so I tried to get some vocal on it but to no avail the track it's self in hind sight isn't really one for vocals.. it more cinematic than anything else... and would probably be more at home as the opening sequence of a program or movie
I wrote this is ableton 8 using a drum rack for the glitches and some grand string samples
I encoded it to MP3 in Audacity...
all comments welcome as always
29th Jul 2011 15:31 - 13 years ago
29th Jul 2011 15:31 - 13 years ago
Description : ****first edit****************************************************
I've made the vocals louder and hopefully sorted out the timing issue with the first verse....I have to be honest and say that Rosh did tell about doing this but for some reason or another It didn't happen....
ok so folks this is my first trip down the grime avenue so be nice...
I was gonna attempt some kinda grime talk ...ya get me? I thinking about it ....I don't think its wise...
a while a go I did a track and OdotZed reviewed it and said it had a grime edge to it... so I though HHHHHHHhhhhhmmmm.... maybe I should try an out and out grime track so I did... well sort of grime with my twist to it anyway......
the track I wrote in ableton 8 and then sent it to ROSH... he took a really good run at it and after a while wrote this awesome vocal to go over the top....
check out rosh's profile here
anyway comments welcome as always.... especially if your name is OdotZed.. ha ha ha...
5th Mar 2011 16:44 - 14 years ago
5th Mar 2011 16:44 - 14 years ago
Description : OK so...this is something I've been working on for a while... I've been working towards a release but I'm not sure if this should be part of it ...yet....
I'm sort of growing tired of the whole DnB I'm trying something new...
made totally in reason 5 and encoded to mp3 in audacity
any comment welcome....
These tracks have been uploaded by Phyruis. If you listen to any of these tracks please leave your comments.
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