

In production...
Cambridge, Canada
Joined : 8th Jan 2007 - 18 years ago
Last Online : 21st Nov 2024 - 3 months ago
Gsusfrk tracks

Gsusfrk has uploaded 50 tracks

Tracks 1 - 25 of 50
3rd Feb 2014 23:33 - 11 years ago
Description : Used Reason 6.5 for this, a lot of the instruments are from the previous song I created: Rising Tides. So similarities are there. I wanted my own vocals in here, so as a WIP I definitely would say this isn't anywhere near finished, or polished enough.
Vocal says: "Where our river rages, we find ourselves,
But really its in the moment we open our mouths."
Wanted something deep, but fitting for the genre.
I like the drop, its fitting, though the clarity of the drums isn't there like I'd want it to be.
6th Jan 2014 03:04 - 11 years ago
Description : Record 1.5 used. Some loops, but I'm thinking there's a missing frequency in here. Not sure, and not my greatest - I've been really on and off making music lately. Hopefully you enjoy this and can take something from it that will inspire you :)
Any critism would help, totally open to it :)
Keep making music your end!
25th Oct 2016 21:34 - 8 years ago
Description : Unfinished, one of the longest lasting tracks i haven't been able to work on in a long time. Things have been crazy but the second section im looking forward to dropping! Throw me a thought of what you think!
3rd Jan 2014 16:35 - 11 years ago
Description : Record was used to create this. With the use of obvious loops.
9th May 2011 13:40 - 13 years ago
Description : Thought I had done enough rough tracks and thought a nice smooth track would be nice. Very simple, very laid back - though I did add some harsh concepts to it.
The ending needs referbishing but all in all it's pretty complete.
Enjoy and let me know what you think!
23rd Dec 2010 14:49 - 14 years ago
Description : This is (possibly) the final version. Taken way too long to complete, but ultimately it's sounding pretty complete. Let me know your thoughts, not positive and negative feedback is welcome!
Reason 5/Record 1.5 (production), Audacity (MP3) and Goldwave (Mastering/Post Production) all used to make this what it is!
Hope you enjoy it! Second drop is where the most work was done.
15th Nov 2010 18:28 - 14 years ago
Description : Really... this is my piece of arkwork I am most proud of. High quality beats, (loops of a similar amen break [made from multiple different break'] to give it a little more energy), three different but similar basses to give a deeper and more full sound, appropriate effects to amp the song up and ambient like pads.
All made with Reason 5/Record 1.5 (beats made with Kong), intense amount sof eqing, compressing and mastering (though, I'm probably not done that yet) to help the sound come alive.
Hope you love this as much as I did enjoy making it.
Thanks and keep making music,
20th Mar 2012 14:40 - 12 years ago
Description : Remix I did for Darth Raver. It's a smash up so it's nothing like the original, but I'm really liking it's vibes. Two totally different drops, but I love em both!
Let me know your thoughts!
The origonal: "http://soundcloud. com/darth-raver-1/darth-raver-planet-terror-1"
8th Dec 2011 15:59 - 13 years ago
Description : 2 wasn't even worth posting so I decided to see if three was good, in my opinion, it is.
Reason 6 only, Goldwave and Audacity were used (very sparingly on the Audacity side) to master(ish). It's somewhat similar but different to the first version.
Give me a shout as to what you think!
25th Jul 2011 16:56 - 13 years ago
Description : A Work in Progress and the title is not final! Vocal is not final either.
8th Aug 2010 00:51 - 14 years ago
Description : Fourth Song of the upcoming EP I'm working on. I used Reason 4, and Record 1.5 with this and honestly Record is one of the best producing and mastering software I've used before. That's just my opinion though.
Hope you enjoy this as much as did!
One of my best songs I've composed!

p.s. If you want the 320 Kbps version (much better IMO) it's at my myspace (synergex). :)
12th May 2010 16:46 - 14 years ago
Description : FINALLY done, a rebound of 5 remakings and a possible remix is coming out, so look out for that. I wanted a kind of chilled out mix with some nice 007 feels to it at the beginning and end. Put some vocals in myself, and used 1 or 2. It is done and with a new title :) finally, what a ride... took wayyy too long... BUT fear not, the upcoming track (Solar Flex) will blow your mind!

EDIT: I limited the drum tracks to get them sounding louder, as well as the bass should be louder as well. I think I still have to make the pads and one or two of the synths a little louder, but other than that it should be done. Maybe turn the vocal down a bit... maybe. I still have to work on the drums a little more, utrn them down, as well as the limiter and compression.
25th Jan 2010 05:11 - 15 years ago
Description : This is part two of four: an EP I'm producing. I wanted this track to have a shift in it obviously, and I think there is one in two places; one being at the climax of the first drop and second being the actual second drop. Now you can take it anyway you want (the shift) but those are the ones I was hoping to emphasize.
I called this Time Shift (which will most likely be changed to something different for the actual EP) because it was in an obvious similar subject line of my first song; Time Line. "Time shift" - obviously emphasizes a shift in time and tries to convey a "anything at anytime" focus.
As one person said: "This is my best so far," I hope you enjoy, and CC would be appreciated :)
Thanks and God Bless
19th Dec 2009 12:13 - 15 years ago
Description : Part one of a four part series - Hoping for it to be my first album!
I love space and time; so i figured I'd combine them into a couple of songs. I think this one turned out great!
CC please!
Keep it real,
God Bless
26th Oct 2009 14:26 - 15 years ago
Description : Pounding hard bass thumps and wicked hard beats, hopefully this one beats the other but we'll see :)
CC would be appreciated!
God bless
2nd Aug 2009 19:42 - 15 years ago
Description : This is the Origonal Track to Travis Huckins' track collab with me "step back into the darkside"
Hope you enjoy them both!! XD
Huge Bass, quick roller, classic/old skool beat, and just plain insanity :D
Have fun listening!
Dj Synergex
25th Jun 2009 14:12 - 15 years ago
Description : This tune I wanted to be huge... so I started out with no loops as usual, then just this feeling of weakness came over one day when I listened to it again. So I figured why not add a few drum loops to add a little flavor. Man what a job they did! So unfortunately (I don't like using loops cause i like originality and uniqueness, but this called for it!)
The Beginning might sound a little off-beat...don't be fooled ;) you'll see!!
This tune is huge check it!
11th Jun 2009 20:14 - 15 years ago
Description : Basically "Rock n Bass" haha wicked guitar in it!
Reason 4 is it
Made it about 2 weeks ago, just been busy but those i'd make a nice g-tar track!
Please let me know what you think, it's quiet a different style so I wasn't too enthusiastic how it came out!
Let me know!
Bod bless
4th May 2009 23:34 - 15 years ago
Description : This was something i wanted to be powerful, and I thought it came out what I wanted it to! Evil beginning, but great ending!
Hope you enjoy it
4th May 2009 23:13 - 15 years ago
Description : Wanting to get a dark feel to this track, hoped I got it but maybe not? I used the majority of the instruments of Pop That, but tweaked some. It's some heavy sub bass as well as some dirty bass. Didn't like this one as much as Pop That but with the sitar and and rhodes, it makes a nice combination.
Let me know what you think!
Hope you enjoy it,
Keep the music coming on your side,
14th Jan 2012 19:48 - 13 years ago
Description : WIP but there are two totally different drops, almost two different sub-genres of DnB. I'm looking to see if they sound alright together!
Reason 6 only!
4th May 2009 23:24 - 15 years ago
Description : Okay, first of all, this track is a little loud, but when you realize the potential it has its an awesome tune to play loud! At first I was thinking of trying to make a tune that has a fighitng kind of feel to it, however that may sound, but obviously it didn't come out that way. Although the way it did come out, I do admit came out really nice. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did making it!
Keep up the music on your side!
Used reason 4, Fruity Loops 5 and Acid Music Studio 7
4th May 2009 22:59 - 15 years ago
Description : I actually forgot why i made this track, but its got a nice feel to it :)
I wanted something that was funky, and turned out with the horns its sounds a little like Matrix with Raggae lol (IMO)
Other than the nice rolling beats, wicked wobble bass and Trumpets, it was fun to make :)
Hope you enjoy it
Reason 4, fruity Loops 5, and Acid Music Studio 7 was used
Keep the music coming on your side!
26th Mar 2009 15:39 - 15 years ago
Description : Epic! Heavy guitar, Electric Guitar, Piano, wicked drums and heavy bass... all leading to Epicisity! :D
P.S. No real instruments were used in this dub...
22nd Feb 2009 14:53 - 16 years ago
Description : I again wanted a rough track, so i made this, but i dont know about the violins, I'm not sure they go as well a I thought they might, but let me know what you think! Wicked Bass in this though =D
God Bless
Tracks 1 - 25 of 50