Description : Not a final version. More of a "just need to get this out" version. Ill rerecord it. Just a lot happened tonight and i wanted to finish this. The beat is a SuperTramp midi file i changed all the vsts on, then added some more, then added drums and whateber. you get it. listen and review.
Description : The vocals arent done by me in this one. This is off me and my friends mixtape we did together(just finished last night). The beat and mix is by me..Its a really good song in my opinion. Maybe the SECOND best song on the tape:) haha Its a really smooth love/heartbreak song btw.
Description : Hm. First off, this isnt the final version. some wierd things happened in the first and last verse..and theres no hook..I am looking for someone to do the hook. But the beat has a couple marvin gaye samples, some hard hitting drums. Its just a really energetic beat. I never put as much time into one beat as i did into this one...If you listen theres a lot of attention to detail..
Description : This song goes extra hard, first song on the collab mixtape with me and BiggFu(loooperman name) on the production and the lyrics, but he took the two first verses on the mic, and killled itt ! Listen and review appreciiate it !
Description : Alright, so the cudi version of this song is one of my favorite sons ever...So i remade the beat, and rapped on it, then for the hook i dropped my beat and used cudi going aca on this song at a show..i realllyy like this song, and it means a lot to me for a lot of reasons, annnnd it shows my growth in lyricism, even though i got a long way to grow..
Description : Fit2live05 on the hook, i have my own lyrics for a different hoook, but i cant really sing, so if any vocalists wanna hop on this, is wont take to much effort out of you, looll...but this is my first complete song since a looong time, i was waiting until i got my new mic to start rapping too much, ive had this beat ready with lyrics for a while, and did all the recording in one night once i got my mic..Tell me wut yu think, and i know im not a best rapper yet, if yu got any tips hmu...i think this song is hot tho, forril
Description : I love this beattt..its so chill soundingg, like i could imagine hearing the chords in starbucks lmaoo, but its a pretty basic beat, 808 808 drums actually..130 bpm..simple piano chords played by yours truly..then background strings that become more prevalant in the chorus..(and eguitar is also in the chorus)..I personally think its hott, its a versatile beat, could be used for a lot of different stuff,,listen and download pleassee.,
Description : This song is not for commercial use,.i do not own it..i juss wanted to get some feedback on it...Iight, so i sampled the piano in the beginning of louis armstrong's "I Wonder", slowed it down, blurred it, and put drums and a synth violin behind it...I feel like i can do more with this beat, but i feel this is good for a start...
Description : Sick ass drums on this. Forril. Theres 3 verses on this, hence the name..theres really not a hook part, juss a 10sec breakdown in between verse wud be good for a cypher for a smaller group..But it also has a higher saw with tons of energy..then a clean but deep saw, and then really deep wud be great for any rapper to rap on, so listen and download !
Description : This is my best track in my opinion..i made every sound in this song myself, like i always do unless stated otherwise..but the piano in this is gorgeous, and the brass juss fits amazingly..The drums set the tone perfectly and the pads keep energy throughout the verse..You will definatly not regret listening to this, And please download as well, and use me your work on this beat if you do, id love to hear it !
Description : Piano loop by billboo, all other sounds by me..Its really super laid back, i tried to use the energy created by the smooth piano and juss keep it going..And the piano loop was great no doubt..So its about 4 minutes long,.juss over a minute long verses..The verses have a acoustic guitar and pad instead of the piano.,but definatly like the vibe, sorta sad,.sorta juss takes you back in a way.,have fun with itt
Description : 4th Free beatt, took a litle break to do other projects for a littlee, i apologizee hah..butt i like its really easy to flow on-its on really deep almosst e-guitar sounding piano, an acoustic guitar, synth during verse parts, and sorta old school sounding drums in a way..Its sorta mixed like kanyes "dark fantasty" beat...have fun with it
Description : REVIED VERSIOONNN, we improved over all the vital areas, including the rap, made the vocals quiter, and some subtle cahngerrs to the beat, if you didnt hear version on, enjoy, if you did hear version one, idk. loll listen and review pleasee, downloadd too- get our name ourr
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