Description : Another one of my home made beats hopefully yall like it keep in mind that im not a producer also keep in mind im only moderately good at anything i do haha
Description : this is a sample of the track i will be doing over dj daddio's Where did I go Wrong Instrumental Ill have the whole song up Soon. (yes im singing and no im not a singerso sorry if ints not all that great)
Description : This Song isnt about my home town its more about this shit town that im stuck in where people are just horrible. all i want is my world... but its not here...
Description : Chronic Doom And Creep B Hill "Time Will Tell" Over the beat "Time Will Tell" By "WMS" i think it came out fresh i did the hook and first verse Creep Did the second verse
Description : This is a beat made by sum1 on jam glue that i think n e mc that wants to spit sum hip hop flavor would enjoy if n e one knows who made this tell me cuz its bad ass
Description : i used a beat by Edwin1976 i think the song came out fresh but it couldn't have happened with out the looper man family much thanx and love to all the people ive worked with and the ones i will come to work with...
Description : Tis is the remixed version of strange same beat but also remixed the beat is made by C and N beats
Tracks (19)
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