1Confidence tracks
1Confidence has uploaded 2 tracks but they have been archived
7th Jul 2011 05:30 - 13 years ago
7th Jul 2011 05:30 - 13 years ago
Description : im featured in this one and unlike my other song on here this was professional recorded at ATONE studio.. enjoy
7th Jul 2011 04:13 - 13 years ago
7th Jul 2011 04:13 - 13 years ago
Description : This is NOT my best work, i was bored late at night when i made this and recorded this on my computer. i'll re-write some parts of it that i don't really like. I NEED A RAPPER NEAR THE END to say something where theres just music playing.hope you like it if not oh well lol - excuse my breathing problems. it was 4 in the morning lol but over all i like the song.
These tracks have been uploaded by 1Confidence. If you listen to any of these tracks please leave your comments.
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