Description : This song has a kinda country-hilLbilly sound to it... recorded all of the guitar tracks on my ipad one afternoon, using a rich sounding 36 year old Ibanez acoustic. I thought that tiny little microscopic ipad mic worked well of the large boomy acoustic guitar sound, that usually needs a lot of compression, etc... comments welcome.
Description : 29711 remixed incuding Kikajon's tambo... cleaned up overall sound by reducing some a the ear-candy... couldn't do much about the pan fields without going back into the original tracks and didn't have the time for that -- original centered rock sound, good groove, sweet lead guitar riffs... produced this in a hospital room, while my wife was having an operation
Description : This song is the brainchild of Gibson, who is also the producer, so I want to start off by giving him most of the credit. Also I was able to get to know some of Looperman’s primier axe-men a bit better, on guitars in order: 1. gibson, 2. Glocke, 3. Emann, 4. AllenV, 5. John Boutilier, 6. guitarjock, 7. abnerbesarus. I'm looking forward to hearing more from each of these gifted mucisians . Special thanks to Gibson – projects like this give Looperman a sense of community. (for download see Gibson
Description : 6811remix remaster and did some of the things suugested by those who reviewed the track-An exercise in recording different instruments together: electric slide, accoustic guitar, synth, and accoustic drums. The song is about the journey of life, leaving the past behind and 'sailing' on into the mist.
Description : Remixed & edited, some of Pages riffes. I always preferred his the studio take of the lead in Stairway to Heaven over the live version. Here's my cover. Take care & keep on kickin out the jams. As always, comments welcome.
Description : This was an old riff that I had recorded years ago. The goal here was first the VST drum mix, then the focus shifted to the over-all mix. The guitars and base are the only 'real' instruments; the rest is VST. Comments welcome.
Tracks (9)
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