ezdtroan tracks
ezdtroan has uploaded 3 tracks but they have been archived
31st Aug 2010 01:56 - 14 years ago
31st Aug 2010 01:56 - 14 years ago
Second step: Read!
I've been experimenting, mixing and trying different things out this time. I'm kinda satisfied, but i bet i will post a new version later on (As I like to do many projects at the time.)
The one thing i didn't add to this track, was some eq effects.. FL Studio just stops recording when I'm really creative in doing what i want to do in the eq.. If anyone know what to do about that damn disgusting awful horrifying stop thing in FL studio when I'm recording. Then please tell me, would appreciate it a lot!
Love eZd
12th Aug 2010 15:30 - 14 years ago
12th Aug 2010 15:30 - 14 years ago
Description : Second song uploaded on looperman. The last track i uploaded was some happy techno/dance/something genre.
In this hiphop track ive used ChaseManhattan's vocals. Nice vocals, thank you.
The sounds you hear is from different packs ive downloaded.
The bass is a Hip hop preset from fl studio. On this track I actually used fl studio 8. My other computer isnt up and going because i dont have an activation key for my os.
If you got some question where you want to collab, just send me a message.
-love Ezd
31st Jul 2010 22:17 - 14 years ago
31st Jul 2010 22:17 - 14 years ago
Description : Hey guys! My first track uploaded on looperman, nice.
Ive used jaypickle's vocals, thanks for those jay.
The sounds you hear is from fl studio's pack, plugin presets. Containing sytrus.
(I cant use Nexus anymore because my computer doesnt think i have it anymore...so im experimenting with the mixer and presets.. :))
I like sidechaining but i didnt think it would be so nice on this track, the bass is just plain 3xosc with nothing on top.
Its a little short i know, but im not gonna start so far. If you want to help me in the start, please write me a message or something. E-mail does work.
-love Ezd
These tracks have been uploaded by ezdtroan. If you listen to any of these tracks please leave your comments.
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