

Grind n grind
Los Angeles, United States
Joined : 29th Jul 2010 - 14 years ago
BrokenScythe tracks

BrokenScythe has uploaded 25 tracks but they have been archived

Tracks 1 - 25 of 25
9th Jul 2012 05:01 - 12 years ago
Description : A long time collabo in the works with Philosofist.
If you don't know who that is, here's a link to his music page here on the loop :)


Dude came in and dropped some chill flow over a smooth instrumental by yours truly. def something to bump while you're chilling around on these Summer nights. (in the north Hemi I mean :P)
We hope you dig it!

Would like to also say, I have been essentially gone from the loop for what seems like a year. I miss it, so I think i'm coming back with some fresh, improved sound.
I have a new name for those who care. It's Grei. But I'm sticking to scythe around here for now :)
1st Feb 2012 00:15 - 12 years ago
Description : First off, this track uses acapellas from both respective MCs.
You can find Bonez' music here:
You can find ChaseManhattan's music here:
If you like the track please give their music a listen.
On from that, this track was made for SSC's Week 42 MICROFLIP. Had a lot of fun putting this together. Hope you enjoy it.
3rd Jan 2012 01:46 - 13 years ago
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Description : I made this instrumental for SSC #37. Albeit a bit late, I think it came out great. I figured I'd find a dope acapella to throw over it and found one by Chase Manhattan at the great Looperman site. Cat has a lot of talent, and I really dug his lyricism.
Enough of that. Here's a "forced" collab between yours truly and ChaseManhattan.
You can find Chase's music here:

Depending on Chase's reaction I may extend this track to be a full one.
1st Aug 2011 08:22 - 13 years ago
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Description : Well Ive spent some time with this one. tHe main idea took some time for me to concieve but the percussion itself was just a breeze. Im starting to really dig how much Ive progressed rhythmically. I tried a few new tricks the homie Yesh showed me as well. The hook pieces took me quite a minute to really come up with.
Honestly, I think they may be just a bit too weird and drive away the idea of having a vocalist on this track.
I was going to tag this but I figured what the heck, just put it out there and see the response.
The thing that has really bugged me is that the bass comes out a bit too strong on my laptop but Im wondering if thats just my comp/me.
Anyways, I present to the Looperfam, Rhapsodies (aka Sorrows)
Hope you enjoy :)

O and a special thank you to a loop made by ALividLife and Elaine called "lolrain"
I seriously use this FX every time I need rain guys...its an awesome FX loop. Thankyou!
4th Jul 2011 05:32 - 13 years ago
Description : I have been working on this for such a while now. In the process I have learned a LOT about producing.
Things like automation (Yes I do mean even the basic idea of inserting an automation clip in FL), furthering my EQing abilities, using effects I barely comprehend, figuring out how to eliminate muddy mixes, learning that stressing the hell out about JUST mixing is about 75% of the frustration production brings, but its about the same percent for gratification and enjoyment of the track, and a bunch of other tiny things.
In other words...I LOVED the process behind this track :]
However, as you may have guessed...I also feel like Im missing something here. I mean, what I want this track to be is a few things.
A. A DJ can and WOULD play this song at an event, and people would WANT to dance to it.
B. It sounds like a quality track, not pro, but quality.
C. It flows well and is coherent.
These are all things I feel have not been fully attained yet. To be honest, I really don't want to stop working on this until I feel its ready.
So I'm asking for help with it. Specifically from Electronic producers. Is this track good? if not, why?
and I do mean ANY aspect, from the kick to the FX used to the automation...I mean anything.
I would greatly appreciate it and return the favor.
(I also have a farkload of revs to return already! I know this! I apologize :/ )
10th May 2011 08:44 - 13 years ago
Description : This a work in progress, uploaded specifically for the Looperman FB page! I really want this track to become all it can be.
I have loops from HMNN, Leland, ALividLife and a couple of others here. If you hear your loop shout it! Ill gladly give credit where credit is due.
Since this is unfinished I wont be giving it for free DL yet. But as soon as I think its set, Ill leave it up for free DL.
I take no real credit for this other than its percussion and its arrangement. Its simply a song about the world from the world.
HUGE specific shout out to HMNN who's melodic loops were so natural and inspiring they forced me to create such a piece.
I Hope you enjoy!
12th Apr 2011 02:26 - 13 years ago
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Description : Credits:
Loop that was cut/used: Yeshintae
Vocals: Nepaul(1st verse) and HalfKnot(2nd)

Find Nepaul here:

Find Halfknot here:

Find Yeshintae here(Bomb HIP HOP BEATS!):

Ok so, i heard this sick loop from the homie Yeshintae, I snagged it but I just left it there in my files. Eventually, i was digging round my comp and found it, then I had to chop it up Broken Scythe status.(weird and frantic) Once done, it sat in my ipod as well.
Finally, I found a rap pella by Nepaul and HalfKnot, and I knew i had to drop it over this.
So there you have it, this track took about a 4 month lazy span to be done. I think it could use a little mixing so its not official, but I hope you enjoy this track dubbed Reckless (aka Venomous MCs).
Made in BeatMaker 2 on a 64 Gig iTouch.
10th Mar 2011 01:45 - 13 years ago
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Description : A track I made in BM2, but the melodies were all made in ThumbJam. I really like how this piece came out. Especially the way the rhodes piano sounds. As well as some pretty sick string work!
I hope you enjoy this track, and appreciate any feedback given, as well as return it L=
Thanks in advance.
6th Feb 2011 02:09 - 13 years ago
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Description : Yes, that is the name of the track. Why? because thats the feeling the perc gives me haha. This is oddball mix of sampling, horns, gates and a composite synth mixing with some pretty solid perc. I hope you enjoy this, I enjoyed making it L=
Im still learning. i always am.(arent we all?) So Id appreciate any feedback to the fullest. I return it.
5th Feb 2011 22:47 - 13 years ago
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Description : Let me be honest, I smile when I listen to this. i guess because I can't really believe I made it. I was fooling with those piano mels again, came up with one thing..then another...and then just one more haha L=
This was all made on my iTouch on an app called BeatMaker2 (I have a gifted early copy) I hope you dig it. Id appreciate any feedback given, and I return it. Thanks for listening

O and if anyone wants to get on this let me know. I'll extend it cut it, whatever.
28th Jan 2011 02:38 - 13 years ago
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Description : So heres another one out of NanoStudio. Heres another that just happened haha. Thing about this one that I dig is just the feel when the perc comes in. Im actually thinking about using it as an intro for my first instrumental EP, make it fade into something good(that hopefully Ill eventually make haha)
Anyways, I appreciate the listen, and as always, any feedback is appreciated. I also return it.
28th Jan 2011 02:28 - 13 years ago
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Description : A track I made on my iTouch using a beta version of an app called BeatMaker 2. A little piano mel flowed out as usual and there ya go I built around it. Has that loving feel to it, like you're thinking about how far you and your lady/ dude have come. You know this is another one of those that reminds me I am getting better each time i take stabs at it. Have a ways to go still though L=
Any feedback would be very much appreciated, and I return it.
Hope you enjoy, thanks for listening.
28th Jan 2011 02:25 - 13 years ago
Description : This is another one of those really electronic feel songs from me. I have no idea why i keep coming up with this stuff but it just happens haha. Its very sorrowful, has some really high cries coming from a piano in it. I made this in NanoStudio, on my iTouch. I hope you dig it. Thanks for listening L=
17th Jan 2011 04:32 - 13 years ago
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Description : Made this after Resonance. These tracks have a more thoughtful sound to em. I made some weird Tripleted HH rolls with dynamic velocities, suprisingly sounds good!(atleast to myself)
You can throw this in the experimental electronic group for me :)
12th Jan 2011 00:42 - 13 years ago
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Description : This is more on an ambient Hip Hop tip, much more instrumental and electronic. Its actually heavily influenced from a fellow Looper named TheThanx, who created a track called "Vividly Living". Not to say that you can hear it, because I didnt feel influenced by it in that way.
Ahh whatever, I hope you enjoy this track L=
16th Nov 2010 05:40 - 14 years ago
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Description : Yo Dalis came in and tore this track up. Big ups to her! shes a very dope lyricist and Im proud to present you with Hand To The Sun, a collab between her and I.
She fire, watch out for her :P
Check her at

Thanks for listening looperfam L=
25th Oct 2010 09:33 - 14 years ago
Description : Right so instead of going home and sleeping like a normal person, my homie Nick n I decided we'd kick it at his pad, and finally try and drop some rhymes. And i realized that the lyrics we wrote were pretty much just punchlines, and nothing that I had made thus far as a producer really works for that. Instead of backing down and looking for a beat by another...I went ahead and hit up some precut samps from those kits Yesh showed me(Props again to Yesh L= ), figured out an arrangement that worked...made the change up, ect. Suprisingly enough, it didnt sound too bad to me. So we started doing some takes, and once we got comfortable, we went in and tried to handle it. Keep in mind that this is quite literally, our second real recording of rap. We are rooks, and I wouldnt try to tell you different. any MCs that want to help us out, feel free to drop any opinions, itd help us a lot. (Master C went first, followed by myself Broken Scythe)
Also, I made this simple beat, but I did try to make it good, so let me know what you think on that as well Looperfam, Id appreciate it. L=
Thanks for the listen in advance, peace.
(I return feed!)
17th Oct 2010 06:34 - 14 years ago
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Description : So I finally managed a collab, huge shoutout to LuckyFeather
Heres his link, hes up and coming so watch out haha

although the verses were short I think I managed to make it sound clean.(Delay can be your best friend lol)
Thanks bro, great collab, hit me up if youd like another.

EDIT:Ok so I raised the main melody, thinned the bass just a touch, RAISED those vocals and threw in a very different break after the 3rd verse. This is now finished I believe, I tried my best to do as much as I can to add to this collab with my current skill palette as a producer.
Look out for another one by us with fitted verses by my man Lucky Feather soon.
6th Oct 2010 06:50 - 14 years ago
Description : It was raining today, and I just love the rain. It draws out emotion in everything, and it just seems to cleanse the world. I just rolled with what felt right, I used a very inspiring rain effect from ALividLife! Props to you Livid.
18th Sep 2010 18:54 - 14 years ago
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Description : I just got a new app dubbed Nanostudio. This one Im dedicating to my girl, just because I feel its really beautiful, and so is she :)
I know youre reading this babe, I Love You =)
I improvised as usual and the melody just flowed. Ill admit the percussion may be a bit lacking. Any tips on that aspect Looperfam?
27th Sep 2010 22:46 - 14 years ago
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Description : Just thought I'd make something simple and chill, something for people to make rhymes over or write to. Which is why its my first track on here that Im allowing for download, I don't care who gets it, if you happen to use it Id love to know though. I can expand it if needed.
Used loops off of kits recommended by the homie Yeshintae, which btw, really have some bomb perc. samples.
Just chill to it, I may use this as a lil interlude track for when I put up my first instrumental album(shortened ofcourse)
29th Jul 2010 11:06 - 14 years ago
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Description : I began by messing with Argon, created a unique melody and then flowed with it. The odd/creep status choir is actually a tweaked version of a chorus melody I made before this. As the song progressed, I decided I'd make it my own little message. So the voice you hear is mine. Theres a thought of mine at the end..cue the slight sarcasm, Headphones highly recommended or good speakers.
27th Aug 2010 00:40 - 14 years ago
Description : I was thinking about those unfortunate enough to be living on a hospital bed for the rest of their lives...the meds,suffering, knowledge of death...and all the pain. Specifically the example of an older person living diseased and bedridden forever...just a sorrowful thought.
Used solely Thumbjam. I love its Cello sounds, extremely realistic. Composing with it is very intuitive.
Headphones highly recommended.
27th Aug 2010 00:21 - 14 years ago
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Description : I made this with hip hop in mind, however as usual my tracks don't always go quite as planned haha. It turned out pretty ambient, and slightly dramatic. I used a combo between Thumbjam, Drumtrack8, and tweaking done in Beatmaker.
As usual, headphones are highly recommended.
29th Jul 2010 11:14 - 14 years ago
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Description : My first and only techno track. I enjoyed making it. Two of the samples are loops(this was an early track for me) The voices are taken from a sample DVDROM from CM Magazine. Created in Beatmaker.Headphones highly recommended or good speakers.
Tracks 1 - 25 of 25