Description : Used DustHill's loops. Before you comment listen to Introducing.. my songs are ironic, comedic and poignant.
I believe in irony. I'm not pretending to be a rapper. I use rap as the best form of demonstration.
This song is in late demo, but cool production. Collab with Brillstereo deck. Fed up with technical problems here as couldnt riffcast it. Wiped out 30 percent of the song. Ironically and maybe coincidently this song could be associated with the same problems.
Description : Introducing Dr Eel. Well that's my other handle. First demo version. For all who don't get my raps are a mix between parody, rap and antagonism. Credit: Minor2go for the sample!
Description : Thanks to Minor2Go's Lifeblood full pack for the tune. Bass, vocals and incidental effects my own in collaboration with others. A parody of Barcelona's Policy of fining humans up to 1000 EUR for urinating on the street, meanwhile not offering public toilets? Oh, pick pocket someone under 400 Euros and you get off without fine as it ain't a crime! Make Sense? To me neither. I'm appealing to put up public toilets so I'm not a criminal for doing something which is in every other city so much easier to do! NOTE: This song is parody. I am not condoning breaking this local by-law. I'm suggesting it needs re thinking, mainly by the list of words that mean what they ought to put in to make Barcelona cleaner!
Description : Minor2go, backing sample big ups! Credits to whatyoudo plus GM on lyrics on spoken word. Shakespeare quoted in spoken word ;-D. Exploring hope, desperation, solace and triumph.
Description : A Jigsaw Concept production demo in progress. A collaboration with whatyoudo on another site. Looking for any feedback. Original music my own, lyrics and guitar contributed and jointly owned for our joint Jigsaw Concept.
Description : Hip Hop rap track in the style of The Streets. About people who use others for financial reasons. Collaborated on another site, but wanted to say thanks to PianoSounds for his cool loops that made this possible! This is the 3rd EVER hip-hop song I made, collaborated on and produced. Feedback appreciated, especially for the vocals which come at you pretty damn fast!
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