Description : Samples used:
Sushilbawa - Piano 174
Sushilbawa - Dope Hope
Sushilbawa - Bells 180
Mihaivlaicu - Outro Crash FX TeK Beatmaker
0Equinox0 - Slow Down
LilTiddy - Happy Percussion Loop 180 Bpm
AMProds - Rock Drum Main Groove Including Fill
Description : Having done a Robot Trilogy, maybe I’m now doing a Plant Trilogy, with this being number 2 following March of the Seedlings.
Samples used:
Rasputin - Krafty Bassline 2
Josee1969 - Drum And Bass 43 - Saluable Salt
xKingK420x - Tele 2
xKingK420x - Tele 1
lasse1011 - Dark Melodic Lofi Chords
ECKSjoe - Cymbal Roll
Schnatter - In A Cold Cold World There Is Someone
Arrant - Redpriest X Digicore Pluck Loop - Back Part 1
CelloCubano - Welcome Home Bongos
Ceezx - Triangle Ding
Description : My second attempt at a Christmas track and my second attempt to add vocals to the second half of this track which is 296 seconds long.
Themusicvii - Cole The VII - Lord
KingBallatore - Distorted Bass 001
Justguyy - Loop 130
Fanto8BC - Pizon Bros BIG BEAT
NoLanBeats - Big Dubstep Drums
StarOfAlaska - Flex Bells Sakura
Philemonster1 - Undeniable Arp X
Hamood - 130 Bpms - 59658
xen0s - Dubstep Crash 1
Fanto8BC - Andreia Synth
BradoSanz - Run Right Past You
Dimuro - Absent 130BPM
Description : I layered some more samples today to create another headphones moment. This time the samples led me in a much more psychedelic direction and this track was born. It doesn’t really go anywhere or do anything, but it is very present in the moment.
Steelyvibe - Pineapple One
CallMeKing - Crash
Danke - Spacey
Fanto8BC - Niamey Downtempo
Hbsamples - HBS Empa C
Etoshapovalov - Mellotron Flute Type Loop
MansonProductions - Concord Drums
TonyRhodes - Minimal Reese Bass
Description : I layered some samples today to create a headphones moment, and found two samples that were destined to go together. Loops & samples used:
Genamusic - Violin Call Viking
Tumbleweed - SlowBluesBass 2 60 A
Fanto8BC - Vixana Voice
ajayluded7 - Catchy Whistle
dripchord - All For You Part 2
Quoronon - Babuska
Thechockehold - Lo-Fi Jazz Hop Real Tenor Sax Riff 3
Xmyrby - Leave My Mind Drums
Description : An excerpt from a poem by Michael McClure in which he speaks in his 'beast language'. I used some random sounds as percussion. The 'noise' in the background is me jamming on my old theremin through a guitar pedal. Happy Hallowe'en!
Description : When my son was being born, I recorded the sound of his heartbeat that we could hear via the monitoring equipment in the hours before he finally made his arrival. I've built this simple track around it, layering loops and samples over the recording. Vocals by Mr_Yesterday.
Description : I created this track after trying Nitrous oxide (laughing gas) sold in balloons at a festival. I tried to recreate some of the auditory effects, and wondered if listening to this while taking N₂O would somehow enhance the sensory experience. For the bass I tried to recreate the boinging noise a stretched balloon might make, and I tried to keep the whole backing track uncomplicated in contrast to the lively vocals. Vocals by A.M. Mews.
Description : Music with a short poem by Colin Mutchler. This is one of a few I wrote on guitar first then recorded, rather than being driven by the samples. Also one of the very few to feature me playing at all! I recorded it with my earphones plugged into the mic socket of my PC and sellotaped the one that acted as a mic to the body of my acoustic guitar.
Description : Originally written as an acoustic guitar piece, I then recorded it using my earphones-as-a-mic trick and added the other parts. I went back to it after leaving it as an instrumental for a while and added vocals by WaySideDrive.
Description : This is a track I put together a long time ago after a heavy night. It was meant to be set to animation, but I never got that far. There is a story in the sounds and music, but no words.
Description : The Robot Sequence - Part 2 - Robots Still Can't Sing.
As in part 1, there is a story in the sounds and music, but no words. The story is in the lyrics section.
Loops & Samples used:
DJ4Real - Drive Me - 7743
DJ4Real - Formant The Rift 2 - 18047
DJ4Real - Echo Bass - 24911
Mhyst - The Randomiser - 40276
Nightingale - Boggy - 33795
Nightingale - Ragg - 35147
Description : This track uses lyrics written in Morse Code, with tempo and pitch adjustments to fit. I’ve also programmed some Morse into an analog synth part.
JustinMachelski-Robot Drums 1-300012
Buffalonugaluss-Bwampbwamp Beat-82554
BigB24-Gameboi Bass Lead Stabs-261845
Kzdano-Ghostmane X Ronny J Melody-144693
PhillyIceT-Lil Tecca Type Bells Melody-214833
ECKSjoe-Cymbal Roll-13216
Blastobeats-Stick To The Plan-Part 7 FX Bel 160 F-282332
NicolayZay-Og Plugg Transition-258470
Description : Vocals by Malcolm Lovett. Sometimes, if you set rap vocals at a different tempo to the rest of the track, you can get a gospel preacher type effect. Given the subject matter, that's what I was going for here. True story: when I first heard these lyrics, I initially though they were about hash resin!
Description : I've tried to keep the percussion a little loose to give a more organic feel to this track. As the track slowly grew over a two year period, it's become a mixture of sounds, styles, ideas and moods. Think of it as the musical equivalent of an old patchwork quilt or rag rug your granny made.
These tracks have been uploaded by Kirkoid. If you listen to any of these tracks please leave your comments.
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