Description : My first track after years with Reason... Reason 9.5 can handle VST's now, so I'm back to my roots again! It all started with Reason and it will end with it! #ReasonRulez!
Description : Thanx for Thasuspect1 on Looperman for his great vocals! These were a great inspiration to make this track because it fitted perfectly in my audio scribble :)
This track was also made possible with FL Studio 12, Kick2, Omnisphere 2 and these great Omnisphere 2 libraries.
Plugins: Omnisphere2
Fabfilter: All you can think of!
Description : Sometimes things are hard to come... also with my music making... it has been a year or so for me to make a new track... here is it! Freedom... hope ya like it!
Description : At last another track after some months of inactivity...
Here's 'It gives you' featuring the incredible @sannahartfield
Her voice is like magic and fits perfectly into trance music.
Description : Yeah,
My first track with the help of Ableton Push.
It is not mixed or mastered.
It's based on my jamsession on Push.
I think it worked well...
Description : Yeehaa... another track ready! it took a while due to an inspiration block, but sometimes a small thing can do massive things... and that's what this track is... massive... here is Antidote!
Made in Reason with a lot of Antidotes (6) and PredatorRE's (2).
Mixed the whole thing in Ableton...
Description : This track was my first after my movement to another town.
I was more in the rush of moving and getting used to my new living enviroment in the east of the Netherlands.
I found peace in my head and this tune reflects that.
In my new setup (new audio interface) this track was purely mixed on my monitors... I think it sounds great!
Description : This remix is based on my favorite track of all times!!!!
I'm from the electro funk period and at this time Newcleus came along my path.
This remix is based on the original track 'Automan'.
I asked 'Cosmo D' from Newcleus if I may publish this track into the public and he agree'd wich is a great honour for me!
I dedicate this publication of my Automan remix to 'Chilly B' who passed away last year at the age of 47...
Description : This is my first track during my movement to another town,
I created this track only on my laptop without any fancy stuff around it...
Hope ya like my movement track because I'm burning with inspiration but I can't reflect that into new tracks right now...
Description : This is my first step off from the genre I always do (Trance).
The Hip Hop style attracts me so I decided to step into this undiscovered country for me.
In this track I wanted to have an acoustic feel but yet the power of a modern hiphop track.
I made this track with the acapella from thephilosofist.
This is a really great finished acapella!!!
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Please note that the creator of a track retains full copyright in that track and you are only entitled to listen and in some instances download. For further details on how you can use any tracks see the terms and conditions and the tracks section of the help area.