TCAS tracks
TCAS has uploaded 30 tracks but they have been archived
12th Feb 2011 22:29 - 14 years ago
12th Feb 2011 22:29 - 14 years ago
Description : Revolution, what else?
EDIT1: Did a remix after the comprehensive comment of Gsusfrk
EDIT2: I did not do anything about the composition... that's one I gonna deal with later on.
7th Jan 2011 23:37 - 14 years ago
7th Jan 2011 23:37 - 14 years ago
Description : EDIT: Made a new mix and this one sound better and a bit faster!
EDIT 2: Added more reverb to Amy
This track gives me the chickenpocks... why?
Because my daughter Amy did the vocals on this one.
I know it's not the best quality vocals but I have to start somewhere to make this experience one of mine...
I used a bit of Neptune but she does not really needs it...
Composed, Lyrics, Melody, by Me!
Vocals by Amy
Mixed and Mastered entirely in Reason 5-Record 1.5...
Yoyo Propellerheads for this one in a million combo!!!
See this as a learning job...
I wish every one a sounding 2011!!!!
3rd Dec 2010 19:26 - 14 years ago
3rd Dec 2010 19:26 - 14 years ago
Description : This is my new trance track...
Hope ya like it...
Made and mixed entirely in Reason/Record...
Made some changes after the comments you guy's gave me!
Think it's better now!
23rd Nov 2010 21:11 - 14 years ago
23rd Nov 2010 21:11 - 14 years ago
Description : I had a hard time to mix this track.
Made in Reason/Record
Who wants to make a remix from it? I'll sent you a link to the tracks after I have heard what you're up too on Looperman!
6th Nov 2010 18:54 - 14 years ago
6th Nov 2010 18:54 - 14 years ago
Description : Electro Computer Program inspired by an vocoder acapella by Shamen.
Using Reason 5/Record 1.5, a great Acapella from Shamen, a modem sample and that's it.
I tried to mainly mix it on my studio monitors but since I still have to learn them I transferred the track to my laptop and listened there as reference.
I upped it to soundcloud too to listen to it on my Iphone and it sounds good there too..
it's not perfect but I think I'm on the right way...
The greatest problem for me on this track are the low frequencies (808 basedrum, bass and some synth loops).
These tracks have been uploaded by TCAS. If you listen to any of these tracks please leave your comments.
Please note that the creator of a track retains full copyright in that track and you are only entitled to listen and in some instances download. For further details on how you can use any tracks see the terms and conditions and the tracks section of the help area.