SinThaSizah tracks
SinThaSizah has uploaded 27 tracks but they have been archived
20th Jul 2011 01:40 - 13 years ago
20th Jul 2011 01:40 - 13 years ago
Description : Well... women remain an inspiration, through good and bad. My girl broke up with me a while back, and tonight I finally finished the song that gives sound to my general feelings during the aftermath.
I can't remember who uploaded the choir loop, so if you hear it and it sounds familiar lemme know and I'll credit you for its magnificence.
23rd Jul 2011 11:34 - 13 years ago
23rd Jul 2011 11:34 - 13 years ago
Description : Just a simple beat I put together this morning. I hope you all enjoy it.
I put in a choir loop, again if you're the one who put it up on Looperman, let me know and I'll credit you (man I really need to start remembering whose loops I download... -_-')
These tracks have been uploaded by SinThaSizah. If you listen to any of these tracks please leave your comments.
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