Hoptix tracks
Hoptix has uploaded 5 tracks
8th May 2011 09:29 - 13 years ago
8th May 2011 09:29 - 13 years ago
Description : So basically in this song I was trying to showcase my other side of hip hop. Most of my songs are uplifting and "beautiful". This one is not. This one has some what of an eerie feel to it. I titled this track October because for some reason it reminds of the month of October. Give it a listen and let me know what you guys thought.
29th Apr 2011 12:23 - 13 years ago
29th Apr 2011 12:23 - 13 years ago
Description : I couldn't really think of a song title so this is the best I could come up with. Lately I've had to deal with some of my friends passing away, so the inspiration behind this song comes from my friends that are no longer here. I did all of this in one night but its still not finished. I have to rearrange some things so the listener enjoys the song all the way through. This song came from the heart much like all my other songs, please listen to the entire thing, the first minute or so isn't quite as entertaining as the rest of the song. If anyone would like to spit some meaningful lyrics over this I would love to hear it.
7th Apr 2011 02:16 - 13 years ago
7th Apr 2011 02:16 - 13 years ago
Description : Been working on this one for bout a week now. Still have much work to do on this one still just wanted to get everyone on the Loops opinion. This song came from the heart and its properly titled "Good Memories". Let me know what you guys think if you liked it or didn't like it, its always appreciated :)
28th Feb 2011 14:30 - 14 years ago
28th Feb 2011 14:30 - 14 years ago
Description : Just a nice & happy hip hop song I made in a few hours. Everything with the acception of one drum loop is created by me. If anyone would like to spit some lyrics to this I would love to hear it. There is no segment for a chorus really unless you can some how manage to squeeze one in there. I'm trying to throw a few songs together to make an EP eventually, I need someone to spit some lyrics on this pleeasee! :)
21st Mar 2011 06:45 - 13 years ago
21st Mar 2011 06:45 - 13 years ago
Description : So this is what I've created after actually spending more than a few hours on a song. I've been working this one for a couple days now and I'm pretty satisfied with how its going. I still have lots of editing to do on this but I was too excited to show you guys so I couldn't wait. So this is a preview of my song "A Better Place, A Better Time." The basic layout of the song is going to remain the same so if anyone would like to spit some lyrics over this that would be awesome. And as always give me a review if you liked it or didn't like it, its always appreciated.
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