Description : My cover of a Daniel Lanoi song from the album Acadie. 2 guitar tracks and one vocal track, recorded in Cubase. Lanois likes to mix French and English lyrics in his songs.
Description : Been working on this song for a few weeks now, finally got it done but not sure if it's the final copy yet...might want to tinker with it some more :)
Kind of a mellow bluesy type of song, trying out my new Stratocaster...
Description : Came up with this song just fooling around on the guitar one night. It's about being by the river on a nice warm sunny day and just feeling good about being there with my wife Donna...
2 guitar tracks, bass and piano done on midi controller, drums on Toontracks Ezdrummer, tambourine.
Cubase 5
Description : My attempt at a good old blues song, hope I didn't butcher it too badly. 2 guitar tracks, 1 drum track (midi), double tracked the vocals and used a pitch correction to get the one octave down effect. This is my first attmept at slide guitar. Cubase 5.
Description : This is a Daniel Lanois song about a worker in the tobacco fields in Quebec. I really don't know what to think of this track, it started out as an acoustic song and just kind of got away on me :). I'll probably redo the vocals at some point, not too happy with the singing.
Description : This is an instrumental version of a song I wrote thirty years ago. I was in the process of recording that song and getting some input from a friend who suggested it might make a good instrumental. So I went ahead and gave it a try and this is what I finished up with. I played all the guitars and played the saxaphone, bass and other instruments on my keyboard using virtual instruments. This one's for my little sister Mo...
Description : This is a cover of a John Prine song that was also recorded by Robert Plant and Alison Krauss. Drums were done on midi keyboard, 3 guitar tracks and one vocal track. Recorded in Cubase 5. There's a bit of distortion at the start of the track, don't have a clue how that got in there, a little heavy on the de-essing too I think but it had to be done.
Description : My cover of Bob Dylan's "It's All Over Now Baby Blue", I added a little delay on it just to try it out. Not sure if I like it this way or not...anyway, recorded in Cubase, 1 guitar track, 1 vocal track.
Tracks (11)
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