

Working on another song.
United States
Joined : 5th Apr 2011 - 13 years ago
Monarque tracks

Monarque has uploaded 2 tracks but they have been archived

Tracks (2)
13th Jun 2011 00:38 - 13 years ago
Tags :
Description : This is a theme for a story I am currently writing. I'll put a link to it here once the site is up and running.

Here's the story site:
31st May 2011 23:46 - 13 years ago
Description : This is dance song composed primarily of loops, and a bit of midi. I don't have the cables to connect my keyboard to the computer as of yet, There'll be more original stuff when I do.
I had to shorten it a smidgen to fit the file size limit, but I guess it still sounds alright.
I really had no plan going into this song, I usually don't. I'll find a sound or a loop I like and build around it. In this case it was the drums in the beginning.
This is the first song I've added vocals to, it was sort of an experiment, but I'm pleased with the result.
Tracks (2)