Description : this is just a chipper little tune ,feel free to sing or rap over it here or anywhere.There are minimal elements in this one,mainly just guitar and bass and drums and a chorus that sounds like funkadelic
Description : battle drums,alittle spicy funk chording and a fast high energy rap called show me-artist(acapella) i will name in a bit when i find it..
Description : rap is "myspace" acapella artist credit later-is percussion oriented and employs some fun drum fanatic riffs with a put up-shut up attitude on vocals,raps are hot and fast-i tried to create a funk festival vibe
Description : dark nuschool happy go lucky punky funk-midi files and synthesizers created this oddly fun dark disco-features acapella "strange clouds" i have to look for the author to post his name asap
Description : Big funk,gritty hoppin little track featuring some power drums,and a rap called "no love"-I will search and find the artist for credit,i can't remember the acapella yet
Description : intensely romantic deadly smooth and vibey,i lay down the funk on this one a little heavier than most funk-recorded analog,has a very live feel
16 bars by SBoogie
Description : This is just me and my korg karma,i use midi patterns and sequences,it has good dimension and some stereo surround elements,is 120 bpm,is great for relaxing the mind.Let the music do the work..
Description : is 125 bpm instrumental,you should be able to sing or play guitar to this.Its a breakbeat beatbox style of drums,that become funkier and more inricate as the jam continues,with a solid progressive bassline and b3 hammond and jazz piano
Description : between emerson lake and palmer and maybe jon bonham of zeppelin,huge concert sound,live sounding drums,you can loop anything is 152 bpm
created using stylus rmx and toontrack superior drummer and a roland xv5050 rack and trusty sequencer
Description : is 87 bpm has vibes,mallets and guitar,percussive shakers,metals and a rolling rythm,sounds like a live group..recorded analog to digital please feel free to sing to it..i would love a sting style vocal
Description : style of jazz bigband dance/disco that is quick and moves frenetically around a central theme,like a busy San francisco street car(set at 128 bpm)
Description : Mixed the MC5 early 70's style with something reminiscent of Born to be wild and juiced it up a little.It rocks like a concert.Features Trixstar acapella Do it for you.nice classic rock mix.Ian Dury heading the vanquished MC5...
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