SLAPJOHNSON has uploaded 129 tracks but they have been archived
5th Jun 2011 22:38 - 13 years ago
5th Jun 2011 22:38 - 13 years ago
Description : New and final mix on this through a pair of Yamaha HS50M monitors. This is the last song from our forthcoming cd release. "To save this love" features a six piece horn section including a baritone sax for that added Motown line. I recently bought a secondhand Cry Baby wah pedal and WOW this thing = instant funky shaft sound and feel... I have recorded the vocal parts lead with a octave down harmony to thicken it out slightly. I have also used vocal counterpoint at the end of the track to finish it off and I think it works pretty well!
As this is going onto cd all comments are welcome towards the general mix of the track, so if you hear something let me know. All instruments on this one I did including the vocals..
Cheers, Slap...
5th Jun 2011 12:46 - 13 years ago
5th Jun 2011 12:46 - 13 years ago
Description : Ok this track is completely Alexanders own work, the only thing I have done is mixed it and mastered it in Logic. He has used Logic 9 to record multiple saxes, piano, drums, percussion etc.. We recently invested our cash on a M-Audio Axiom 61 keyboard for him and wow this was money well spent. This piece of kit linked to Logic and in his hands is a serious weapon in producing great songs. Please leave any mix related advise! If you can hear changes to balance etc then shout out as this is going on the album which is going to be pressed this month.
I thank all of you for the support & advice you have shown throughout this album being made, your comments have helped me grow as a producer.
We only have one more track to finish now, so the whole album should be up on the Loop this week.
Cheers, Slap...
3rd Jun 2011 22:46 - 13 years ago
3rd Jun 2011 22:46 - 13 years ago
Description : This song was written and arranged by my son Alexander (14 ) on Logic pro. He has used loops for the drums but everything else he has played himself ( Keyboards, soprano & Alto sax ). I have added a tenor sax solo and mixed the track only. Alexander has added some great harmony sax and synth lines as well as an amazing solo on his alto.
All comments welcome as I'm looking to get the mix as good as I can before it gets pressed on cd.
2nd Jun 2011 18:49 - 13 years ago
2nd Jun 2011 18:49 - 13 years ago
Description : Final mix before pressing through a pair of Yamaha HS50M powered studio monitors. This track is from our forthcoming cd album "Festival". This song is a bit of a fusion track due to the styles I have drawn from as the song was in construction. I found a great classical string loop which I then recorded a soprano sax over to give it a regal flavour, adding drums and sequenced bass lines which really morphed the track in a different direction to the intro. Theres a lot of panning in this one to try to get the best from each track and sound.
All feedback is welcome as this is going to be pressed to cd this month. Alexander blows the second sax solo near the end on his alto ( super lines and phrases for one so young ).
All other instruments Slap...
26th May 2011 10:16 - 13 years ago
26th May 2011 10:16 - 13 years ago
Description : This song is the creation of my son Alexander (14) using an ipad with the awesome Korg itribe app for the beats & the unbelievable Korg synth app for the bass and other pad sounds. He recorded the layers down into Logic 9, then he added a alto sax solo and a breath taking keyboard solo using his M audio keyboard patched through Logics mainstage to create that authentic 80s lead synth sound.
I have layered the horn section parts and recorded the end guitar solo using a digitech RP 50 multi effects box.
This is the first mix, so if you hear anything that needs tweaking don't forget to mention it as this is getting pressed onto a cd album.
Im' totally blown by these apps from Korg! They didn't cost much but they have added real value to the tools we producers and musicians can use. Top stuff!!!
Cheers, Slap...
17th May 2011 08:59 - 13 years ago
17th May 2011 08:59 - 13 years ago
Description : Final update and mix through a pair of Yamaha HS50M powered studio monitors. This is the latest song to be finished for our forthcoming album "Festival" which we will be promoting at this years Edinburgh fringe festival. Alexander blows the first sax solo on alto with me providing a tenor and harmonica solo later. I wanted to produce a track which will hopefully stick in peoples heads hence the lyric. This is the second mix so I have bumped the vocal up a touch and dropped my tenor sax solo down as it was just a little forward. I am again looking for constructive comments for improvement in this area. Recorded in Logic 9 using line 6 tone port and a digiteh RP 50 for the guitar effects.
Cheers, Slap...
30th Apr 2011 19:42 - 13 years ago
30th Apr 2011 19:42 - 13 years ago
Description : This track features a baritone sax riff as a common thread throughout the song. This is the final mix of the track mastered through Logic ( boosted guitar solo & Alexander is panned left for his solos ) which is destined for our forthcoming "Festival" cd release.
All constructive comments welcome. I have rerecorded Alexander's solo clean on this final mix., and I feel it has a much better sound..
I used a digitech RP50 for the guitar solo, this sound really allows the pinched harmonics to sing on the Les Paul heritage.
Cheers, Slap...
28th Mar 2011 20:23 - 13 years ago
28th Mar 2011 20:23 - 13 years ago
Description : This is the 6th track ( 15th mix with improved bass and sax reverbs mixed through a pair of Yamaha HS50M monitors and mastered inLogic) taken from the "Festival" album my son and I are recording for this years Edinburgh fringe festival which is in August. The idea is to showcase the music at the festival and sell the cd to the crowds of people who attend. We will be getting 1,000 cds professionally pressed and packaged, and fingers crossed we will sell the majority over the course of the 7 days we will be performing. Alexander is blowing a tenor sax on this track, with me dropping onto the alto.
This song is a dance/funk fusion number featuring a massive horn section ( two tenors, two altos,two soprano,one flute and a baritone ) with some monster harmonised riffs. Basses and guitars played by myself, with the drums looped from Logic....
All mix related comments welcome, plus the normal reviews which help me drive this thing forward.
Cheers, Slap...
14th Mar 2011 16:44 - 14 years ago
14th Mar 2011 16:44 - 14 years ago
Description : Updated remix 14th June...This is the finished track mixed through a pair of Yamaha HS50M studio monitors.
This is the 11th mix and upload of the 5th track taken from the forthcoming Saxobones album "Festival". This is a blues funk song featuring a 6 piece horn section, alto sax solo and my trusty heritage taking a guitar solo in the middle section. I am including a few vocal tracks on this album and this is the first.
All instruments Slap....Fiona ( my wife ) on vocals. The alto solo will be Alexander at some point in the future, but for now you will have to put up with me at the beginning.
Recorded into Logic using the line 6 toneport.
All comments welcome regarding any aspect of this track as it has to be spot on before it goes to get pressed.
Thanks to Spiv & Vicen who suggested backing vocals, these have really added another layer to the track..
Mahloo 13 suggested a panned double guitar track which has added much more clarity to the rhythm guitar part, also nudging the lead guitar solo forward along with all of the vocal parts. I have also on Mahloo's recommendation taken the reverb back from the vocals and solo guitar. Great ears and production skills mate, it's now sounding like a true song!
Cheers, Slap...
2nd Mar 2011 21:47 - 14 years ago
2nd Mar 2011 21:47 - 14 years ago
Description : Final mix before cd pressing. Mixed through a pair of Yamaha HS50M studio monitors and mastered in Logic.
This is the forth finished song taken from our forth coming album "Festival". This song was inspired by the fantastic zoo at Edinburgh which we have visited twice over the past few years. All of the wonderful and diverse animals that are housed in this massive world class facility which is a great and informative day out. We spent 2 hours just watching the chimps play in the ape enclosure!
I'm really enjoying improving my bass and guitar chops recording this project, also I'm totally digging all the stuff you can do with Logic since I converted to Mac last Summer.
Alexander is blowing the main sax solo on this with me providing the flute solo in the change section. This song has got a huge horn section including 2 alto, 2 tenor, 1 baritone & a flute thrown in to add that icing on the top. The wah guitar is played through the fantastic flextone 3 line 6 amp. I bought this monster about 6 years back and it is just the dogs bollox
I hope you dig this more laid back groove..
Cheers, Slap...
18th Feb 2011 22:08 - 14 years ago
18th Feb 2011 22:08 - 14 years ago
Description : This is the final mix of this track through a pair of Yamaha HS50M studio monitors and mastered in Logic ( Since original upload this is the 10th remix ). This is the 3rd song to be taken from our forth coming Saxobones album "Festival".
The first sax solo is my son Alexander, then we alternate through the rest of the song. Recorded in Logic Pro using line 6 toneport. Instruments used Yamaha bass, Heritage Les Paul guitar, Yanagiswa alto,P.Mauriat Tenor & Jupiter baritone saxophones.
All comments welcome as always.
Cheers, Slap...
2nd Jan 2011 11:30 - 14 years ago
2nd Jan 2011 11:30 - 14 years ago
Description : This is the final mix and arrangement following the comments posted below. Mixed through a pair of Yamaha HS50M studio flat response speakers and mastered in Logic. This track is from our forth coming album "Festival" which we will be selling and showcasing at this years Edinburgh Fringe Festival. I have just recently converted to using Mac and Logic Pro which I have to say are awesome! I have used the drum loops from Logic but added filters and compression to create beef and interesting lead in sections. All the other instruments I have played in layer by layer, the first sax solo is me on tenor, the second Alexander ( my son ) on alto. I am mainly interested in your opinions on the mix as this is the first attempt, please don't hold anything back as this album when complete will be getting pressed into CD with cover work by our very own resident artist Planet.
It's important I get this right, so I'm asking for your help in the finished product being mind blowing.
Cheers, Slap...
30th Oct 2010 14:24 - 14 years ago
30th Oct 2010 14:24 - 14 years ago
Description : Final mix before pressing to cd. Mixed through a pair of Yamaha HS50M studio monitors and mastered in Logic. This is the first track I have recorded using Logic on mac. I have had loads of problems with cheap laptops not being able to perform under the strains of daily teaching and recording use, so I invested in a Mac book Pro and I'm loving it! The power and speed of this thing is unreal, so more songs will becoming soon.
I have used the drum, percussion & a few effect loop patterns from Logic adding a various amount of amazing patches to create original sound textures. The bass, guitar and horn work is my playing with Alexander blowing a mean alto sax solo ( second solo in ). All feedback is a positive in my eyes as it promotes development as a producer and a musician.
Cheers, Slap...
17th Jun 2010 15:01 - 14 years ago
17th Jun 2010 15:01 - 14 years ago
Description : Live recording of the Saxobones Quintet (13 June 2010 Durham University) Ed Watts piano,Luke Steven drums,John Williamson bass,Alexander Bone alto sax & Steve Bone tenor sax. Recorded using Line 6 tone port with two MXL condenser mics straight into Ableton. I then added the warm analog plug in and mega reflection reverb, then mastered. Simple!!!
17th Jun 2010 14:49 - 14 years ago
17th Jun 2010 14:49 - 14 years ago
Description : Live recording of the Saxobones Quintet (13 June 2010 Durham University) Ed Watts piano,Luke Steven drums,John Williamson bass,Alexander Bone alto sax & Steve Bone tenor sax. Recorded using Line 6 tone port with two MXL condenser mics straight into Ableton. I then added the warm analog plug in and mega reflection reverb, then mastered. Simple!!!
17th Jun 2010 14:41 - 14 years ago
17th Jun 2010 14:41 - 14 years ago
Description : Live recording of the Saxobones Quintet (13 June 2010 Durham University) Ed Watts piano,Luke Steven drums,John Williamson bass,Alexander Bone alto sax & Steve Bone tenor sax. Recorded using Line 6 tone port with two MXL condenser mics straight into Ableton. I then added the warm analog plug in and mega reflection reverb, then mastered. Simple!!!
17th Jun 2010 14:34 - 14 years ago
17th Jun 2010 14:34 - 14 years ago
Description : Live recording of the Saxobones Quintet (13 June 2010 Durham University) Ed Watts piano,Luke Steven drums,John Williamson bass,Alexander Bone alto sax & Steve Bone tenor sax. Recorded using Line 6 tone port with two MXL condenser mics straight into Ableton. I then added the warm analog plug in and mega reflection reverb, then mastered. Simple!!!
12th Mar 2010 08:24 - 15 years ago
12th Mar 2010 08:24 - 15 years ago
Description : Another live recording of the Saxobones Quintet Ft Alexander Bone (soprano & Alto sax),Steve Bone (Tenor sax),Richard West (piano),Luke Stevens (drums) & John Berry (bass).This is a track by Miles Davis which featured on the biggest selling jazz album of all time "Kind of blue". Freddie Freeloader is a wonderful laid back blues song. All of these songs are first take recordings direct in to Ableton.
11th Mar 2010 14:27 - 15 years ago
11th Mar 2010 14:27 - 15 years ago
Description : This is our live recording of Sonny Rollins classic "Tenor Madness". The Quintet = Alexander Bone Soprano & Alto saxophone,Steve Bone Tenor saxophone,Richard West Piano,John Berry Bass & Luke Stevens Drums. All of these uploads are first take recordings. I recorded using two MXL microphones direct into Line 6 toneport then into Ableton. I am very impressed with the results..
10th Mar 2010 11:07 - 15 years ago
10th Mar 2010 11:07 - 15 years ago
Description : Another live recording of a classic jaz standard. Autumn Leaves features Richard West Piano,Luke Stevens Drums,John Berry Bass,Alexander Bone Soprano sax & Steve Bone Tenor sax. Recorded direct into Ableton using the line 6 tone port and 2 MXL mics.
8th Mar 2010 22:07 - 15 years ago
8th Mar 2010 22:07 - 15 years ago
Description : This is a live recording of the Saxobones jazz quintet FT Alexander Bone (Alto & Soprano sax),Richard West (Piano),Jonathan Berry (Bass), Luke Stevens (Drums),Steve Bone (Tenor sax). These recordings took place on the 7th March 2010,and are all first takes. These tracks are the basis of our new live Saxobones album of jazz standards, this is our version of the Jimmy Smith classic Back at the Chicken Shack. I recorded these tracks using Ableton and the amazing line 6 tone port with two mics direct to one stereo track. I have also posted videos of the same recordings on youtube. go to groovetonemusic page to see how we did it, and watch the recordings take place. All comments welcome..
Cheers Slap...
27th Feb 2010 13:17 - 15 years ago
27th Feb 2010 13:17 - 15 years ago
Description : This is one of two ballads featured on the "Riff Laden" album by Saxobones. This is a smooth guitar groove with a floating tenor,soprano & flute solo. Alexander plays the third solo after the flute on soprano sax, man this kid has soul for 13, his solo is stella.
27th Feb 2010 12:47 - 15 years ago
27th Feb 2010 12:47 - 15 years ago
Description : This song is a test in playing high out of range notes (altissimo) on the saxophone. These notes are a saxophonists nightmare/dream, the soaring high note that makes the solo crescendo or the same note turns in to a squawk and you sound like a twat...My solo at 2.47 is the section I'm harping on about. Alexander is playing the first solo in the song (awsome job). Enjoy this hard driving funk track... Cheers Slap...
27th Feb 2010 12:17 - 15 years ago
27th Feb 2010 12:17 - 15 years ago
Description : Taken from the RPM 2010 challenge album "Riff Laden" by Saxobones. This song features my son Alexander blowing alto sax (first solo) as well as a sparring section near the end with me.. All instruments Slap, drums by Sonic Foundry.
All comments welcome...
Cheers Slap...
20th Feb 2010 20:28 - 15 years ago
20th Feb 2010 20:28 - 15 years ago
Description : This is the fifth song taken from the RPM 2010 album "Riff Laden". This work features my son (Alexander) and I, and is mainly a funk based album. Alexander is blowing his alto sax on this one (he has the second sax break in this tune), and this track also features tenor and harmonica solos. All instruments by Slap with the drums by Sonic Foundry...
These tracks have been uploaded by SLAPJOHNSON. If you listen to any of these tracks please leave your comments.
Please note that the creator of a track retains full copyright in that track and you are only entitled to listen and in some instances download. For further details on how you can use any tracks see the terms and conditions and the tracks section of the help area.